
时间:2024-06-24 08:16:48

玉雕又称 。

目前考古认定我国的玉雕已有 年的历史。

《天工开物》记载,有良玉虽集京城,工巧则推 。

明代苏州玉雕艺人 最有名。

玉雕的表现形式是多种多样的,概括起来包括以下几种: 、浮雕、镂空雕、内雕。

古代玉器的制作是用 与 慢慢琢磨而成。

我国近现代玉雕工艺的发展在地域上形成了两大流派,即分为 和 。

玉雕的表现形式是多种多样的,概括起来包括以下几种: 。

玉雕的表现内容按照题材不同可以分为 。

玉雕的呈现方式按照作品用途不同可以分为 。


苏州玉雕源于良渚文化,在苏州草鞋山和 张陵山 等地发现出土了距今6000年左右的玉器,是新石器时代时代的杰作。

尽管玉雕设备有很多品种,归纳起来可以分为切割工具,琢磨工具,打磨抛光 工具,钻孔等。


横机的轴承 固定不可以调整高度 ,所以用横机雕琢的玉料是 手持式 加工方法,因此只能加工 小型 玉料。

玉雕于 年入选第二批级非物质文化遗产名录。

琢玉行业把 视为本行的祖师爷。

苏州玉雕制作技艺于 被列入级非物质文化遗产名录。

现在玉雕行业内使用的操作台称为 ,或者叫做高速横式玉雕机。

玉雕行业中的琢磨工具是指直接作用于玉料上的工具业内都称之为 铊 。






“海八珍”里面的鱼籽是一种营养丰富的食品,它通常是用( )鱼卵加工而成的


未来我国海水鱼的网箱养殖将向( )方向发展

港塭养殖是我国最古老的海水鱼类养殖方式,南方称之为鱼塭,最初养殖( ),北方叫做港养,最初养殖( )


亲鱼人工催产时,可将催产剂用生理盐水溶解后,注射入亲鱼的( )内

半滑舌鳎等鱼类产浮性卵,可以采用( )方式孵化


大西洋鲑循环水养殖系统中,( )的主要作用是去除水体中悬浮不易沉降的细小颗粒物







对虾在越冬场时( )

对虾人工育苗中培育幼体时投饵一般( )


分泌,促进性腺发育和卵黄生成的是( )


虾蟹类动物性饵料主要包括( )





















海参的养殖方法包括(  ):











研究阻断病原体侵袭和扩散的防治方法是贯彻( )理念的必由之路。

要想成为一名合格的“渔大夫”,需要努力学习专业知识,通过执业兽医资格考试,获得( )。

世界上第一种鱼用疫苗是( )。

以下属于水产动物疾病特点的有( )。

水产动物疾病学需以以下哪些学科作为基础( )。




粘孢子虫入侵宿主的关键结构是:( )


原生动物的生态学意义包括: ( )

以下不属于寄生性原虫的是:( )


水产动物疾病治疗难主要体现在以下几个方面: ( )

人们根据水产养殖业自身的特点,利用从养殖环境或自然环境中筛选出来的或经过对现有的微生物进行基因改造或修饰获得的微生物,经过一系列特殊工艺制成活菌剂,称为:( )


硬件方面,一所标准的水产动物医院需要具备以下哪些仪器设备: ( )











( )是指把人工培养的幼苗培养到一定规格、具有一定的抵抗病害和逃避敌害能力的阶段,然后释放到自然海域让其自由地索饵、生长、发育,最后作为自然资源的一部分进行合理地捕捞。

根据建设目标可以将海洋牧场分为( )

远岸岛礁型海洋牧场除了具有离岸深水型海洋牧场的优点外,海岛对海流的阻挡常在近岛区形成上升流和湍流区,使初级生产力丰富,为各种大洋鱼类、大型底栖生物提供索饵场和育幼场。( )

我国北方沿海海洋牧场多以( )型海洋牧场为主。

山东省,根据前期海洋牧场的建设实践经验,按照建设手段、方式和功能的核心特色将海洋牧场分为哪些类型( )






世界上第一台计算机的名称是( )

第四代计算机的逻辑器件是(   )

第一台电子计算机使用的逻辑部件是(   )。

个人计算机属于(   )。

世界上第一台计算机诞生于( )。

人和计算机下棋,该应用属于(   )。

计算机系统的组成包括( )。

以下属于应用软件的是( )。

微型机cpu的中文名称是(   )也被称为微处理器。

显示器是目前最普遍使用的( )。

目前计算机的基本工作原理是(   )。

二进制数1001001转换成十进制数是( )

kb(千字节)是度量存储器容量大小的常用单位之一,1kb等于( )

软件是指( )。

从第一代计算机到第四代计算机的体系结构都是相同的,都是由运算器、控制器、存储器以及输入输出设备组成的。这种体系结构称为( )体系结构。

如果要选定一组相邻的对象,可以单击第一个对象,然后按住(   )键并单击最后一个对象。

关闭文档窗口,可以使用快捷键(   )。

操作系统的主要功能是( )

一个应用程序窗口被最小化后,该应用程序将( )。

要将当前窗口内容存入剪贴板中,应按(   )键。

微型计算机键盘上的键是( )

下列选项中,( )操作系统不是微软公司开发的操作系统。

windows提供的用户界面是( )

windows 7旗舰版支持的功能最多。( )

正版windows 7操作系统不需要激活即可使用。( )

要开启windows 7的aero效果,必须使用aero主题。( )

正版windows 7操作系统不需要安装安全防护软件。( )

windows 7的默认库被删除后,可以通过恢复默认库进行恢复。( )

任何一台计算机都可以安装windows 7操作系统。( )

下列视图中不是word 2010视图模式的是( )。

在word 2010文档编辑窗口中,将选定的一段文字拖到另一位置,则完成( )。

在word 2010中,若想要绘制一个标准的圆,应该先选择椭圆工具,再按住( )键,然后拖动鼠标。

在word 2010中,将一部分内容改为四号楷体,然后紧连这部分内容输入新的文字,则新输入的文字字号和字体为( )。

在word 2010中,能看到分栏实际效果的视图是( )。

在word 2010中,不能选取全部文档的操作是( )。

word 2010“开始”选项卡“字体组工具”上的“b”“i”按钮的作用分别是( )。

以下关于word 2010表格的行高的说法,正确的是( )。

在word 2010中,对图片版式设置不能用( )。

关于word 2010中使用图形,以下说法错误的是( )。

word 2010不包括的功能是( )。

在word 2010中,用鼠标拖动选择矩形文字块的方法是( )。

在word 2010中,以下关于艺术字的说确的是( )。

excel工作表最多可有(  )列。

在excel中,给当前单元格输入数值型数据时,默认为(  )。

在excel工作表单元格中,输入下列表达式(  )是错误的。

当向excel工作表单元格输入公式时,使用单元格地址d$2引用d列2行单元格,则该单元格的引用称为(  )。

在excel工作表中,不正确的单元格地址是(  )。

在excel工作表中,在某单元格内输入数值“123”,不正确的输入形式是(  )。

在 excel 工作表中,正确的 excel 公式形式为(  )。

在excel工作簿中,有关移动和复制工作表的说法,正确的是(  )。

在excel工作表中,单元格区域d2:e4所包含的单元格个数是(  )。

在excel工作表的某单元格内输入数字字符串“456”,正确的输入方式是(  )。

若在数值单元格中出现一连串的“###”符号,希望正常显示则需要(  )。

准备在一个单元格内输入一个公式,应先键入(  )先导符号。

在单元格中输入公式时,编辑栏上的“√”按钮表示(  )操作。

演示文稿的基本组成单元是( )。

在powerpoint 2010中,幻灯片浏览视图的主要功能不包括( )。

在powerpoint 2010中,可以使用拖动的方法来改变幻灯片的顺序的视图是( )。

powerpoint 2010中主要的编辑视图是( )。

在powerpoint中,为基本元素设计动画的过程不包括以下( )部分

在powerpoint 2010的主界面窗口(即工作窗口)中不包含( )。

powerpoint 2010的“文件”选项卡下的“新建”命令的功能是建立( )。

在空白幻灯片中不可以直接插入( )。

在演示文稿中,在插入超级链接中所链接的目标,不能是( )。

在powerpoint 2010的普通视图中,隐藏了某个幻灯片后,在幻灯片放映时被隐藏的幻灯片将会( )。

下面哪种说确:( )

在powerpoint中,如果想让文本框的文字自动换行,可以( )

ethics is the study of how people try to live their lives according to a standard of "right" behavior.

moral standards are based on religious, cultural, or philosophical beliefs by which judgments are made about good or bad behavior.

the problem with virtue ethics is that this approach to ethics posits that the ends justify the means.

utilitariani is a belief in the ethical choices that offer the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

universal ethics argue that there are certain universal principles that should apply to all ethical judgments.

a weakness of universal ethics is that no one is held accountable for the consequences of actions taken to abide by those principles.

ethical relativi is where the traditions of your society, your personal opinions, and the circumstances of the present moment define your ethical principles.

the second step in the three-step process for solving an ethical problem is to _______.

which of the following is the lowest level of ethical development?

kohlberg's framework offers us a clearer view into the process of _______.

what should we do to resolve ethical dilemmas?

作业题1 what should we do to resolve ethical dilemmas?

what should we do to resolve ethical dilemmas?

what should we do to resolve ethical dilemmas?

business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

global expansion brought new ethical challenges in the ______.

the ends-based ethical conflict resolution principle focuses on choosing the decision that would provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

the golden rule resolution principle considers what would happen if everyone made the same decision as you.

the challenge of building and operating an ethical business simply requires that the business do the right thing.

business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

you can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening.

stakeholders include stockholders, employees, and the federal government.

an organization's unethical behavior can affect creditors by leading to a failure to repay debt according to an agreed schedule.

sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

the concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: economic pillar, environmental pillar, and social pillar—also known informally as profits, planet, and people.

sustainable economic growth means a rate of growth which can be maintained without creating other significant economic problems, especially for future generations.

what may be the pre-condition for the realization of sustainable development for a company?

what may be the pre-condition for the realization of sustainable development for a company?

what may be the pre-condition for the realization of sustainable development for a company?

what may be the pre-condition for the realization of sustainable development for a company?

only shareholders have a vested interest in the ethical performance of an organization.

a value chain is composed of the key functional inputs that an organization provides in the transformation of raw materials into a delivered product or service.

the key functional inputs that an organization provides during the transformation of raw materials into a delivered product or service is referred to as a(n)______

which of the following serves as a support function to key line functional areas in an organization's value chain?

from an ethical perspective, employees in each functional line area face ethical challenges and dilemmas that ______.

the ______ department should be at the center of any corporate code of ethics.

according to expectancy theory, employees expect their efforts are rewarded fairly and properly.

theory x assumes that people are good and responsible,so people should be given a working environment where they can realize full potential.

what are the ethical implications we can draw from the development history of hr motivation theories?

what are the ethical implications we can draw from the development history of hr motivation theories?

what are the ethical implications we can draw from the development history of hr motivation theories?

what are the ethical implications we can draw from the development history of hr motivation theories?

corporate social responsibility refers to the actions of an organization that target the achievement of a social benefit over and above maximizing profits for its shareholders and meeting all of its legal obligations.

from an ethical perspective, friedman argues that it would be unethical for a corporation to do anything other than deliver profits for which investors have entrusted it with their funds in the purchase of shares in the corporation.

the modern social contract approach argues that since a corporation depends on society for its existence and continued growth, there is an obligation for that corporation to meet the demands of society rather than the demands of a targeted group of customers only.

many csr initiatives ______.

corporations that experiment with csr initiatives run the risk of creating all of the following results, except:______.

which type of csr argues that philanthropic initiatives are authorized without concern for the corporation's overall profitability?

which type of csr encompasses philanthropic activities targeted toward programs that generate the most positive publicity or goodwill for the organization?

the traditional chinese cultural values commonly recognized in the chinese culture of confuciani, buddhi, taoi three studies are kindness, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust.

wisdom is the ability to know what is true or right, common sense or the collection of one's knowledge.

what might be the relationships between modern corporate social responsibility and traditional chinese cultural values?

what might be the relationships between modern corporate social responsibility and traditional chinese cultural values?

the process or system that directs and controls organizations is known as_____

managers carry accountability to ______

who is responsible for monitoring the ethical business practices of an organization?

who is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of an organization?

who oversees the governance of an organization?

effectively governed organizations must have mechanis in place that oversee the long-term strategy of the company.

to be truly effective, a board of director can foster a culture of "no dissent."

a fiduciary responsibility is ultimately based on trust.

what are the key safeguards for a proper governance?

what are the key safeguards for a proper governance?

institutional theory considers the processes by which structures, including outlines, rules, norms, and routines, become established as authoritative guidelines for social behaviors.

compared with the strategic benefits of csr contribution, the enhancement of institutional pressure is more important in the construction of responsible business.

prior to the passing of the foreign corrupt practices act (fcpa), illegal behavior was punishable only through the ______ sources of legislation.

the _______ holds businesses liable for the criminal acts of their employees and agents.

iso 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to.

iso 26000:2010 provides guidance rather than requirements, so it cannot be certified to unlike some other well-known iso standards.

iso 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to.

iso 26000:2010 provides guidance rather than requirements, so it cannot be certified to unlike some other well-known iso standards.

iso 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to.

iso 26000:2010 provides guidance rather than requirements, so it cannot be certified to unlike some other well-known iso standards.

one could argue that whistleblowers provide an invaluable service to their organizations and to the general public.

companies should be prompt and provide a thorough investigation of all complaints in today's legal environment.

what are the key safeguards for a proper governance?

what are the general principles to follow in choosing to whistle blow?

what are the general principles to follow in choosing to whistle blow?

many people have already perceived that ai will be a threat to certain categories of jobs.

a common challenge of technology ethics in the enterprise surrounds the use of customer data on social media platforms.

many technologies allow employers to observer their employees’ "digital footprints" and thereby gain insight into employee behavior.

employers are required to notify employees, customers, and all others in range of the cameras that their property is under video surveillance.

the ability to work outside of your office and log into your company network refers to ___.

if jobs are plentiful and the employee would have no difficulty finding another position, then the consent given to the monitoring policy is ___.

what do you think of the employee surveillance?

what do you think of the employee surveillance?

any country that enjoys a high standard of living as measured by economic, social, and technological criteria is a developed nation.

less-developed countries lack the economic, social, and technological infrastructure of a developed nation.

the term globalization only has applications in economic and political environments.

the term globalization has the same meaning for both developed and less developed countries.

for less-developed nations, the concept of globalization ______.

______ is where a person defines his or her ethical principles according to traditions of society, personal opinions, and the circumstances of the present moment.

what is the belt and road initiative and what are the country-specific ethical issues we should pay attention to?

what is the belt and road initiative and what are the country-specific ethical issues we should pay attention to?

which of the following is not a characteristic of the market?

which of the following is not a stage in creating a long-lasting ethical culture?

the threat of punishment must be ______.

how should a company promote and monitor sustainable ethical behaviors?

how should a company promote and monitor sustainable ethical behaviors?

what can we learn from the case of huawei’s sustainability management?

what can we learn from the case of huawei’s sustainability management?

which of the following is the lowest level of ethical development?

which type of csr encompasses philanthropic activities targeted toward programs that generate the most positive publicity or goodwill for the organization?

which of the following is not a stage in creating a long-lasting ethical culture?

the process or system that directs and controls organizations is known as?

which of the following serves as a support function to key line functional areas in an organization's value chain?

moral standards are based on religious, cultural, or philosophical beliefs by which judgments are made about good or bad behavior.

any country that enjoys a high standard of living as measured by economic, social, and technological criteria is a developed nation.

effectively governed organizations must have mechanis in place that oversee the long-term strategy of the company.

sustainable economic growth means a rate of growth which can be maintained without creating other significant economic problems, especially for future generations.

.the second step in the three-step process for solving an ethical problem is to _______.

the key functional inputs that an organization provides during the transformation of raw materials into a delivered product or service is referred to as a(n) ______.

the process or system that directs and controls organizations is known as:

managers carry accountability to ______.

prior to the passing of the foreign corrupt practices act (fcpa), illegal behavior was punishable only through the ______ sources of legislation.

the _______ holds businesses liable for the criminal acts of their employees and agents.

for less-developed nations, the concept of globalization ______.

global expansion brought new ethical challenges in the ______.

which type of csr argues that philanthropic initiatives are authorized without concern for the corporation's overall profitability?

ethics is the study of how people try to live their lives according to a standard of "right" behavior.

the problem with virtue ethics is that this approach to ethics posits that the ends justify the means.

a weakness of universal ethics is that no one is held accountable for the consequences of actions taken to abide by those principles.

business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations.

the ends-based ethical conflict resolution principle focuses on choosing the decision that would provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

only shareholders have a vested interest in the ethical performance of an organization.

according to expectancy theory, employees expect their efforts are rewarded fairly and properly.

corporate social responsibility refers to the actions of an organization that target the achievement of a social benefit over and above maximizing profits for its shareholders and meeting all of its legal obligations.

the traditional chinese cultural values commonly recognized in the chinese culture of confuciani, buddhi, taoi three studies are kindness, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust.

effectively governed organizations must have mechanis in place that oversee the long-term strategy of the company.

institutional theory considers the processes by which structures, including outlines, rules, norms, and routines, become established as authoritative guidelines for social behaviors.

iso 9001:2015 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to.

companies should be prompt and provide a thorough investigation of all complaints in today's legal environment.

any country that enjoys a high standard of living as measured by economic, social, and technological criteria is a developed nation.

less-developed countries lack the economic, social, and technological infrastructure of a developed nation.

gdp是一国或一地区在一定时期内所生产的全部( )的市场价值总和。

gdp是一个( )的概念。

gdp平减指数是( )和( )的比率。




国内生产总值表示一定时期内的某一或地区经济( )的市场价值。

通常用来计算实际国内生产总值的价格指数为( )。

如果a国经济在2000年(基期)的gdp为2000亿元,如果在2001年gdp平减指数增加了一倍,而实际gdp增加50%,那么2001年的名义gdp等于( )。

已知消费为6亿元,投资为1亿元,间接税为1亿元,的商品劳务支出额为1.5亿元,净出口为0.2亿元,则( )。

下列何种行为属于经济学意义上的投资( )。

经过以下哪些调整,国民核算的储蓄总是等于投资?( )。











两部门经济是假定只有( )和( )两个部门的经济社会。


根据是否随国民收入变动,税收分为( )两大类。


乘数与边际消费倾向成( )

简单乘数等于一减( )的倒数。

假设一个经济体,其国内生产总值是6 000,个人可支配收入是5 000,预算赤字是200,消费是4 700,贸易赤字是100,那么,投资为( )。

乘数的作用必须在以下条件下才可发挥( )。

在简单凯恩斯乘数中,乘数的重要性依赖于( )。

下述四种情况中,投资乘数最大的是( )。

下面哪一种情况可能使国民收入增加得最多( )。

在四部门经济中,若投资、储蓄、购买、税收出口和进口都增加,则均衡国民收入( )。

假设某经济体的边际消费倾向为0.8,边际进口倾向为0.2,比例税率为0.1,则该经济体的转移支付乘数为( )。

如果边际消费倾向是0.8,增加公共支出1 000亿元,考虑到货币市场,均衡产出的增加最多是( )。











实施扩张性的财政政策时,is曲线( )。

is曲线上的每一点都代表了( )的产品市场的均衡。




lm曲线表示( )时的货币市场均衡下的收入与利率的组合关系。

同时实施扩张的财政政策和紧缩的货币政策时,将导致( )


经济周期波动发生时,会出现( )

物价水平通过( )三种效应分别影响消费、投资和净出口,从而影响总产出水平

( )导致了长期总供给曲线的移动




失业率的局限性表现在( )


衡量价格水平常用的指标有( )




经济增长的一些事实( )





索洛模型认为储蓄导致了经济的暂时增长,但资本边际效用递减导致了最终的经济增长只取决于外生技术进步的稳态;而内生增长模型则认为只要满足sa>δ n,储蓄或投资就能带来经济的长期增长。


经济发展问题包括( )

在经济和社会发展方面,发展家具有的共同特征有( )







浮动汇率制度下,实施宽松的财政政策,dd线向右平移,产出增加,( )

浮动汇率制度下,增加货币供给,会使得aa线向右平移,产出增加,( )


德洛尔的政策科学“三部曲” 不包括哪一本?


政策科学政治学的研究途径包括系统途径和() 。

政策科学的经济学的研究途径包括( )。

渐进决策的原则包括( )。

公共政策是“对全社会的价值做权威性的分配”是哪位学者对公共政策的界定?( )

政策是执政、或进行政治控制或阶级统治的工具或手段,其基本功能概括为如下四个方面( )

现代化、科学化的公共决策系统(政策系统)是由信息、( )等子系所构成的大系统。


( )可以一般地界定为直接或间接地参与政策制定、执行、评估和监控的个人、团体或组织。

政策执行的综合模式是由( )提出的。

政策执行的过程模式提出的影响政策执行因素包括( )。

公共政策执行手段是指执行机关和人员为实现一定的政策目标而采取的贯彻落实政策的措施和方法的总和,主要包括( )。

政策执行偏差的常见表现形式包括( )。


( )是一个动态的过程,它是政策执行者通过建立组织机构,运用各种政策资源,采取解释、宣传、实验、实施、协调与监控等各种行动,将政策观念形态的内容转化为实际效果,从而实现既定政策目标的活动过程。

加拿大公共政策学者( )和拉米什根据政策工具的强制性程度将政策工具分为自愿性工具、强制性工具和混合性工具。

下列属于市场化工具的有( )。

政策工具选择的研究途径包括( )。

影响政策工具选择的因素是十分复杂的,主要的影响因素包括( )。


( )用工匠业和园艺业的工具来比喻的治理工具,认为所做的是尽力用各种治理工具来塑造我们的生活,迎合各种目的。

古贝和( )在《第四代评估》等论著中提出所谓的“四代评估”理论及模式。

政策评估过程包括的阶段有( )。

从评估组织的活动形式看,可以将评估分为( )。

实证主义以政策效果实证测量或科学预测作为评估对象,主要有效率标准、( )、( )和充分性标准。


韦唐从干预的实质结果入手,按“组织者”的不同将评估模式分为三大类:( )、经济模式和职业化模式。


政策终结的特征包括( )。

根据政策终结所需时间可以将政策终结划分为() 。



( )在政策的周期循环中担负着承上启下、开拓未来的任务,是政策过程中不可或缺的一个环节。

根据政策变迁的主导力量,可以将政策变迁划分为强制性变迁和( )。

政策变迁的两种基本模式是( )。










根据政策问题的不同,可以将政策规划划分为常规式规划和( )。

方案规划的过程包括哪几个阶段( )。

政策方案的可行性评估是指围绕政策目标,运用定性和定量结合的分析方法,对实现政策方案所需条件是否具备进行说明的可行性分析,包括( )。


( )是指法定主体为使政策方案获得合法地位而依照法定权限和程序所实施的一系列审查、通过、批准、签署和颁布政策的行为过程。

