
时间:2024-06-24 08:01:33

发展规划指标体系中,( )是中长期发展规划指标体系设计的统计核算基础。

根据2005年发布的《促进产业结构调整暂行规定》,在我国未来产业格局中发挥先导作用的产业是( )

根据《“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案》,实行主要污染物排放总量控制的行业有( )。

公路国道主干网建设,以( )国道主干网为重点,加大国道主干线系统中未建成路段的建设力度。

政策性银行的主要资金来源( )。


优化发展能源工业,坚持的方针是( )

我国国际收支调节的目标是( )

消除不完全竞争(垄断)可利用的工具包括( )。

地方应按照城乡规划,合理布局废物回收网点和交易市场,支持废物回收企业和其他组织开展废物的( )

下列关于发展循环经济的内容不包括( )。

提高城镇化水平的重要意义是( )。

按规定,我国商业银行总行要按规定拨付营运资金,拨付各分支机构营运资金的总和,不得超过总行( )的60%。

下面不符合推动现代农业建设目标的是( )。


发病率和死亡率均排名恶性肿瘤首位的是 ( )


电影《我不是药神》中的“神药”所靶向的基因是( )

我国科学家王振义和张亭栋等发明的“反义视酸 三氧化二砷”治疗的恶性肿瘤的类型是( )

环境致癌因素包括下述:( )


关于who提出的癌症的三级预防,下述说确的包括:( )

通常所说的肿瘤的表观遗传学异常包括有( )

肿瘤中有大量的染色体拷贝数的异常,这些异常在肿瘤中可能的作用有( )





which of the following is correct about classification of central and peripheral tumor in the lung?












分次照射的放射生物学基础是( )。




抗肿瘤药物的分类方法包括以下几种? ( )

在抗肿瘤药物分类传统方法中,长春碱类属于( )

化疗药物胸腔灌注是属于哪种给药途径( )

肿瘤患者手术前,为缩小肿瘤提高手术切除率进行的化疗属于( )












动脉dsa血管穿刺最常取的部位是( )

不属于股动脉穿刺并发症的是( )

经动脉栓塞最严重的并发症是( )

奇静脉回流到以下哪个血管( )




肝血管瘤造影表现( )


是哪一年成为了ich-gcp的监管员?( )

phase 3期临床试验常常纳入的受试人群数量约为( )

1. 下列关于肿瘤患者营养风险的描述,错误的是( c )

下列关于肿瘤的患者营养支持原则中,正确的是( )

下列营养监测指标中,哪一项指标升高可以反映短期蛋白质营养状况的改善( )


以下关于癌痛的原因描述正确的是:( )

以下不属于癌痛治疗目标的是:( )

关于重度癌痛,以下说法错误的是:( )

目前癌痛治疗的基本原则是:( )

关于癌痛的特点,以下描述错误的是:( )

肿瘤患者营养不良的原因包括( )

肿瘤患者的营养支持治疗方式包括( )






下列说法不正确的是( )。

egfr-tki类药物主要的不良反应是( )。

以下分子靶向药中,属于egfr-tki的是( )。

一代egfr-tki药物最常见的继发性耐药机制是( )。









早期乳腺癌的治疗目的是( )

早期乳腺癌的治疗模式,包括哪几种( )

乳腺癌新辅助治疗指的是下面哪种( )

乳腺癌患者术后辅助常用的化疗药物是( )

局部进展期胃癌标准手术方式是( )

以下哪些是胃癌的癌前病变( )

以下哪些是胃癌常见的远处转移部位( )

最常用肝细胞癌诊断筛查,鉴别诊断及治疗后随访的肿瘤标志物是( )

典型的肝细胞癌影像学特点是( )

肝细胞癌最易出现的转移部位是( )

下列说法错误的是( )

下列说法错误的是( )

右半结肠的血供主要由下列哪一支动脉供应( )

确诊结直肠癌的是下列哪一种检查( )

按照第8版ajcc/uicc结直肠癌tnm分期,n1c指的是( )

以下关于mmr 与 msi的说法错误的是( )


下面对左半结肠癌的描述正确的是( )

r 代表残留(residual),以下哪些说法是正确的( )

全直肠系膜切除术,tme(total mesorectal excision)是指( )

具有高危因素的ii期患者可能从术后辅助治疗中获益是指( )

局部进展期直肠癌患者,术前放化疗有以下哪些特点( )





宫颈腺癌占所有宫颈癌的比例是 :( )


ⅲ期宫颈癌是指:( )

figo分期为ⅰ期的患者5年生存率 ( )

规范的子宫颈癌性放疗的方案: ( )

iia期宫颈癌的患者应行什么手术:( )

下列关于宫颈cin的说法错误的是:( )

菲利普•科特勒所说的“十大营销对象”是指商品、服务、事件、体验、人物,以及( )




互联网发展的第一阶段是“互联网 ”阶段。( )

2015年,在工作报告中首次提出制定“互联网 ”计划。( )

dt时代的核心在于数据本身。( )

程序化广告投放从以前的购买媒体转变为购买人群。( )

广告信息的接收过程依次是曝光、理解、关注、保持、接受和决策。( )

互联网广告的特点之一是数据驱动的投放决策。( )

我们每个人在互联网中是以什么形式存在的?( )

译为企业对顾客,是指企业通过其互联网商品与个人消费者进行联结与沟通。( )

互联网的本质是 ,互联网商业本质是 。( )

下面哪些产品是属于字节跳动的?( ) ①抖音②快手③西瓜视频④今日头条⑤火山小视频⑥qq⑦懂车帝⑧微信⑨穿山甲联盟

企业inhouse程序化营销系统有哪些价值?( ) ①企业营销更为主动②积累和盘活企业内部数据③提升消费者体验④提升营销效率和效果⑤建立技术和数据壁垒

广告主买量追求的是?( ) ①高质②高量③高效率④高成本

下面哪些是数字营销的关键问题?( ) ①如何高效获取流量? ②如何使流量更有效地转化? ③如何运营流量使之持续有效转化?

广告投放有三大角色,分别是 、 、 。( )

每个人在互联网中存在的身份识别是( )

在营销技术和广告技术领域, 一般是指企业将产品和技术8797威尼斯老品牌的解决方案等部署在内部服务器中,企业拥有技术源码和数据的所有权。( )

如果用战略地图来剖析企业数字营销的经营目标,我们可以从 、 、和 这三方面来一层层分析企业该如何实现营销效益的最大化。( )

在程序化广告中,说到客户增长和收益增长,则离不开 、 、 、 。( )

mau(monthly active users)是指去重后的月活用户量,重复用户在当月的登录都只记为1( )

pv(page view),译为页面浏览量,指在特定时间内访客进入web网站或app应用时产生的浏览数。( )

在流量变得越来越贵,用户变得越来越挑剔的情况下,企业需要精细化运营( )

下面是一个关于活标签的说法:每个人在互联网中的需求和行为是固定的,所以可以用固定的标签来定义这个用户。这说法是正确的。( )

营销行业当前的趋势主要有①数据赋能②技术加权③甲方去乙方化( )

互联网商业的两个核心问题是获取流量和流量变现。( )

媒体方只需要想办法尽可能多的高价卖尽可能多的流量就行了,不需要关注用户体验。( )

企业的营销目标是营销效益最大化( )

在程序化广告中,dau是指去重后的月活用户量,重复用户在当月的登录都只记为1。( )



pc端和app端的广告投放有哪些不同?( ) ①媒体环境②用户识别方式③广告场景④广告定向⑤用户体验

dsp、ssp、adx、dmp的中文名称哪个是对的?( )

广告主利用程序化广告能够提升效率,但下面说法中哪个是错的?( )

下面哪个不是综合大型投放平台(super platforms)?( )

程序化广告可以定义为 的精准广告定向( )

在程序化广告中,媒体可以程序化售卖跨媒体、跨终端(电脑、手机、平板、互联网电视等)的媒体资源,并利用技术实现广告流量的分级,进行 定价(如一线城市的价格高于二三线城市、黄金时段的价格高于其他时间段)。( )

网页web端与移动端app端的主要区别表现在用户识别方式、 、 、 、和媒体环境等。( )

相对于rtb的一对多的竞价模式来说,程序化直接交易(programmatic direct)可以使买卖双方按照协商好的价格或流量,绕过竞价直接进行一对一交易。程序化直接交易分为首选交易pd和程序化保量pg两种。请问pd首选交易的特点是什么?( )

传统广告和程序化广告最大的区别是程序化广告实现了基于预定义和自定义人群的精准定向。( )

一家企业投放了200万广告,并通过这个广告回收了300万的订单,所以该广告的roi是1.5。( )

广告主消耗的广告费用,除了真实的广告投放和投放服务费用外,还有一部分可能会被“作弊”吃掉。( )

程序化广告最大的价值在于实现效率和效果的双提升。( )

rtb是实时api接口,是媒体私有dsp平台为广告主提供的基于广告主数据进行流量筛选的一套接口服务,适用于广告消耗预算大、内部数据量大、并且具备一定技术能力和数据应用能力的广告主。( )

rtb包括公开rtb和私有rtb。( )

程序化广告(programmatic advertising)是指利用技术手段进行广告交易和管理。也就是说,广告主可以程序化采购媒体资源,并利用算法和技术自动实现精准的目标受众定向,只把广告投放给“对”的人。( )

设备id:设备id主要包括idfa、android id、imei号等,一般会用md5或者sha加密。( )

数据管理平台dsp负责整个程序化广告投放流程的数据收集沉淀、分析处理,然后再输出给广告投放相关的系统进行定向使用。( )

相比靠人力进行媒介洽谈、广告管理和对用户进行无差别投放的传统广告而言,程序化广告的最大价值是为广告主和媒体带来了营销效率和效果的双提升,当然,在提升效果的同时,在用户体验上也有了一定的提升。( )

下列哪项不属于dsp的应用场景?( )

媒体提供的常规api接口有哪些?①账户管理②广告投放管理③dmp人群管理④其它自定义功能( )

,即数据管理平台,主要负责的就是为程序化广告投放提供数据支撑,规范管理从底层架构到应用层的数据输入、处理和输出,实现数据价值的最大化。( )

dsp全称是demand-side platform,是面向广告主的广告投放平台,以帮助广告主实现精准广告定向。( )

dmp分为第一方dmp、第二方dmp和第三方dmp。( )

dsp可以理解为面向广告主的广告投放平台,广告主可以在平台上管理广告活动及其投放策略,包括目标受众的定向条件、预算、出价、创意等设置项。( )

第一方dmp只保存第一方数据、第二方dmp只保存第二方数据、第三方dmp只保存第三方数据。( )

dsp是指数据管理平台,主要负责的是为程序化广告投放提供数据支撑,规范管理从底层架构到应用层的数据输入、处理和输出,实现数据价值的最大化。( )

按照iab的rtb标准协议规定,下图中成功竞价的广告主或代理商,应付多少钱?( )

以iab的openrtb协议为例,请说出下面加序号代码的含义( )

dsp与adx是通过哪个api连接的?( )

td与dsp是通过哪个api连接的?( )

pre-bid引擎与dsp是通过哪个api连接的?( )

api,全称application programmatic interfaces,译为应用程序接口,它是一组定义、程序及协议的。( )

当td pre-bidpre bid结合使用的时候,其功能其实类似于简单版的ssp。( )

菲利普•科特勒所说的“十大营销对象”是指商品、服务、事件、体验、人物,以及( )

我们每个人在互联网中是以什么形式存在的?( )

译为企业对顾客,是指企业通过其互联网商品与个人消费者进行联结与沟通。( )

互联网的本质是 ,互联网商业本质是 。( )

下面哪些产品是属于字节跳动的?( ) ①抖音②快手③西瓜视频④今日头条⑤火山小视频⑥qq⑦懂车帝⑧微信⑨穿山甲联盟

企业inhouse程序化营销系统有哪些价值?( ) ①企业营销更为主动②积累和盘活企业内部数据③提升消费者体验④提升营销效率和效果⑤建立技术和数据壁垒

广告主买量追求的是?( ) ①高质②高量③高效率④高成本

下面哪些是数字营销的关键问题?( ) ①如何高效获取流量?②如何使流量更有效地转化?③如何运营流量使之持续有效转化?

广告投放有三大角色,分别是 、 、 。( )

每个人在互联网中存在的身份识别是( )

在营销技术和广告技术领域, 一般是指企业将产品和技术8797威尼斯老品牌的解决方案等部署在内部服务器中,企业拥有技术源码和数据的所有权。( )

如果用战略地图来剖析企业数字营销的经营目标,我们可以从 、 、和 这三方面来一层层分析企业该如何实现营销效益的最大化。( )

在程序化广告中,说到客户增长和收益增长,则离不开 、 、 、 。( )

pc端和app端的广告投放有哪些不同?( ) ①媒体环境②用户识别方式③广告场景④广告定向⑤用户体验

以下选项中,dsp、ssp、adx、dmp的中文名称哪个是对的?( )

广告主利用程序化广告能够提升效率,但下面说法中哪个是错的?( )

下面哪个不是综合大型投放平台(super platforms)?( )

程序化广告可以定义为 的精准广告定向。( )

在程序化广告中,媒体可以程序化售卖跨媒体、跨终端(电脑、手机、平板、互联网电视等)的媒体资源,并利用技术实现广告流量的分级,进行 定价(如一线城市的价格高于二三线城市、黄金时段的价格高于其他时间段)。( )

网页web端与移动端app端的主要区别表现在用户识别方式、 、 、 、和媒体环境等。( )

相对于rtb的一对多的竞价模式来说,程序化直接交易(programmatic direct)可以使买卖双方按照协商好的价格或流量,绕过竞价直接进行一对一交易。程序化直接交易分为首选交易pd和程序化保量pg两种。请问pd首选交易的特点是什么?( )

下列哪项不属于dsp的应用场景?( )

媒体提供的常规api接口有哪些?( ) ①账户管理②广告投放管理③dmp人群管理④其他自定义功能

6. adx/ssp的应用场景有哪些?( ) ①对接多家dsp获取更多的广告主和广告预算②多种售卖模式结合③用数据提升流量溢价空间

,即数据管理平台,主要负责的就是为程序化广告投放提供数据支撑,规范管理从底层架构到应用层的数据输入、处理和输出,实现数据价值的最大化。( )

按照iab的rtb标准协议规定,下图中成功竞价的广告主或代理商,应付多少钱?( )

以iab的openrtb协议为例,请说出下面加序号代码的含义( )

dsp与adx是通过哪个api连接的?( )

td与dsp是通过哪个api连接的?( )

pre-bid引擎与dsp是通过哪个api连接的?( )




互联网发展的第一阶段是“互联网 ”阶段。( )

2015年,在工作报告中首次提出制定“互联网 ”计划。( )

dt时代的核心在于数据本身。( )

程序化广告投放从以前的购买媒体转变为购买人群。( )

广告信息的接收过程依次是曝光、理解、关注、保持、接受和决策。( )

互联网广告的特点之一是数据驱动的投放决策。( )

mau(monthly active users)是指去重后的月活用户量,重复用户在当月的登录都只记为1。( )

pv(page view),译为页面浏览量,指在特定时间内访客进入web网站或app应用时产生的浏览数。( )

在流量变得越来越贵、用户变得越来越挑剔的情况下,企业需要精细化运营。( )

下面是一个关于活标签的说法:每个人在互联网中的需求和行为是固定的,所以可以用固定的标签来定义这个用户。这说法是正确的。( )

营销行业当前的趋势主要有①数据赋能②技术加权③甲方去乙方化( )

互联网商业的两个核心问题是获取流量和流量变现。( )

媒体方只需要想办法尽可能多的高价卖尽可能多的流量就行了,不需要关注用户体验。( )

企业的营销目标是营销效益最大化。( )

在程序化广告中,dau是指去重后的月活用户量,重复用户在当月的登录都只记为1。( )

在程序化广告的精细化运营中,比如你今天有买空调的需求,可能给你打上“需要买空调”这个标签,你购买空调后,这个标签也会一直伴随着你。( )

程序化广告特点就是以人为本的精准广告定向,媒体资源的自动化、数字化售卖,媒体资源的自动化、数字化采购。( )

ip 浏览器指纹的精准度远大于cookie和移动端设备号。( )

传统广告和程序化广告最大的区别是程序化广告实现了基于预定义和自定义人群的精准定向。( )

一家企业投放了200万广告,并通过这个广告回收了300万的订单,所以该广告的roi是1.5。( )

企业营销针对大数据要掌握“度”,对于用户数据要合理利用与保护。( )

广告主消耗的广告费用,除了真实的广告投放和投放服务费用外,还有一部分可能会被“作弊”吃掉。( )

程序化广告最大的价值在于实现效率和效果的双提升。( )

rtb是实时api接口,是媒体私有dsp平台为广告主提供的基于广告主数据进行流量筛选的一套接口服务,适用于广告消耗预算大、内部数据量大、并且具备一定技术能力和数据应用能力的广告主。( )

首选交易pd是指保价保量,即价格固定、数量也固定。( )

rtb包括公开rtb和私有rtb。( )

程序化广告(programmatic advertising)是指利用技术手段进行广告交易和管理。也就是说,广告主可以程序化采购媒体资源,并利用算法和技术自动实现精准的目标受众定向,只把广告投放给“对”的人。( )

设备id:设备id主要包括idfa、android id、imei号等,一般会用md5或者sha加密。( )

移动端app的广告投放一般基于cookie与ip来进行定向,移动端app的用户识别相比pc端更为精准。( )

数据管理平台dsp负责整个程序化广告投放流程的数据收集沉淀、分析处理,然后再输出给广告投放相关的系统进行定向使用。( )

相比靠人力进行媒介洽谈、广告管理和对用户进行无差别投放的传统广告而言,程序化广告的最大价值是为广告主和媒体带来了营销效率和效果的双提升,当然,在提升效果的同时,在用户体验上也有了一定的提升。( )

dsp全称是demand-side platform,是面向广告主的广告投放平台,以帮助广告主实现精准广告定向。( )

腾讯和头条的广告直投系统本质上是ssp。( )

dmp分为第一方dmp、第二方dmp和第三方dmp。( )

dsp可以理解为面向广告主的广告投放平台,广告主可以在平台上管理广告活动及其投放策略,包括目标受众的定向条件、预算、出价、创意等设置项。( )

广告主搭建私有dsp可以帮助广告主更好地实现人群精准定向、跨媒体的频次控制、数据沉淀管理及应用。( )

第一方dmp只保存第一方数据、第二方dmp只保存第二方数据、第三方dmp只保存第三方数据。( )

dsp是指数据管理平台,主要负责的是为程序化广告投放提供数据支撑,规范管理从底层架构到应用层的数据输入、处理和输出,实现数据价值的最大化。( )

api,全称application programmatic interfaces,译为应用程序接口,它是一组定义、程序及协议的。( )

iab是互动广告局的缩写,是开发网络广告行业标准(如rtb协议)、开展调研并发布报告(如互联网广告收入报告)的商业组织,它公布的行业标准在国外程序化市场用得较多。在国内,各家媒体有各自的规则,没那么统一,但基本上也会参考iab的协议。( )

当td pre-bidpre bid结合使用的时候,其功能其实类似于简单版的ssp。( )

in the following four items, which is not a favorable way to start a all talk with a stranger?

on which occasions are you likely to have a all talk with others?

which of the following aspects are often covered on the topic of hometown?

which of the phrases can you use to tell about where you are from?

which may be used to greet people you meet for the first time?

which ones of the following may be used to start a conversation with a stranger on campus?

which of the following types of educational institutions does a college providing its students job-specific trainings belong to?

which of the following is not a place for teaching and learning in the university?

what other names do you have to refer to a selected course?

what are the three levels of credentials (n.学历,文凭)?

a compulsory course is also called ________________or _______________.

what does “take a rain check” mean?

what do you say to finally confirm your agreement on the time and place of an appointment?

which of the following expressions refers to “a cinema in the open air”?

which of the following expressions means “续集”?

which of the following sentences does not mean the movie is funny?

what is a “star-studded movie”?

(多选)in a sentence, which ones of the following types of words are usually not stressed?

in what ways do you read a magazine that does not interest you much?

if you need to read something very slowing and reflectively, you read it ______.

(多选)which of the following types of materials do you read for learning?

(多选)which of the following types of materials do you read for fun?

(多选)if the book has been borrowed, what might the librarian say?

(多选)if the book is in the library, what might the librarian say?

(多选)if you want to reserve the book that has not been returned yet, what might you say?

(单选)which one of the following is a "track event"

(单选) which one of the following is not a "field" event?

(单选) what do we call "溜冰场" in english

(多选)which of the following are not classified as athletics?

(多选) which ones of the following belong to "x-sports" (short for extreme-sports)?

(单选) which of the following is the most proper greeting when you feel happily surprised about meeting someone on the street?

(单选)which one of the following can not be used to answer the question "good morning, how did you sleep last night?"

(单选)which of the following is not normally associated with shops or shopping?

(单选) which one of these is not a popular online-shopping website?

(单选) which of the following is not a suitable phrase to use when talking about ’returning goods or services’:

(单选) which one of the following shopping modes appeared last in the chronological order?

(多选) which ones of the following are advantages of online shopping?

hi, long time no see, where have you been hiding? answer:___________________________________________. how is life treating you? answer:___________________________________________. oh, i almost forgot. i heard you got a new boyfriend\ girlfriend. what is he\she like? answer: ___________________________________________. i’d like to see you two together sometime. answer:___________________________________________. where are you heading? i’m asking because i saw those shopping bags in your hand. going back home from shopping? answer:___________________________________________. too bad, what’s wrong with the shirt? answer:___________________________________________. where did you buy it? answer:___________________________________________. what are the return policies like? can you get a full refund? answer:___________________________________________. i really feel sorry. you’d better hurry up. the mall is closing in an hour. answer:___________________________________________. see you soon. answer:___________________________________________.

what is a food guide pyramid?

what is a vegan?

when you spill the beans, you reveal the truth.

'take someone with a pinch of salt' means to trust someone completely.

when you write ‘in a nutshell’, you mean to write/put something simply and concisely.

'an apple a day keeps the doctor away!' tells you that eating fruit helps to keep you healthy.

'you are what you eat!' explains the connection between food and health.

if something ‘sells like hotcakes’, it sells very well.

a 'art cookie' is used to refer to an intelligent person.

(单选)in some restaurants it is expected that the customer will leave a ‘tip’. typically, what percentage tip should the customer leave?

(多选)unpleasant food can be described as:

(多选)in places like pubs, cafes and fast food restaurants, you usually request someone to repeat what they have said by using short fixed expressions such as:

(多选)when conversing with people in english, sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we have to ask someone to repeat what they have said when:

(多选)nice food can be described as:

(多选)food without a strong flavour can be described as:

(单选) which one of the following expressions means "不屑"?

(单选) which one of the following words means "容忍" when used as a verb.

(单选) what does "you are telling me" mean?

(多选) which one of the following expressions means "i agree with what you said".

documentary: a tv programme or film that shows a story or situation objectively and truthfully.

drama: a real life situation which may be exaggerated yet believable.

game show: a tv show in which contestants compete for prizes by playing games of knowledge or chance.

sitcom: a humorous drama based on situations that might arise in day-to-day life.

soap opera: a drama, typically performed as a serial on daytime tv, featuring the daily lives and problems of a group of people.

current affairs show: a show concerned with the latest news or latest events happening in a particular region, country etc.

reality tv show: a tv show in which members of the public or celebrities are filmed living their everyday lives or undertaking specific challenges.

(单选)which option shows the words in the correct sequence/order?

(单选)which of the following is not a synonym for “love”?

(单选)discourse markers are short phrases we can use to

(多选)which of the followings are synonyms for “hate”?

my favoriate tv show is called ________________________. (name of the show) it is aired ________________________________________. (time & channel) why am i a super fanatic of this show? well, if you ask me, i have a long list of reasons to show you. to start from , _______________________________. (reason 1) also, _______________________________. (reason 2) there is one more reason which should never be left out. _______________________________. (reason 3) i really want to give this show a thumb-up. it's as good as it can be.

which of the following terms are not usually associated with the internet?

which of the following are not names of popular internet services?

which of the following are not internet services?

which of the following terms are usually associated with the internet?

which of the following symbols are usually associated with the internet?

which of the following are controversial opinions?

which of the following are ‘differing’ opinions?

which of the following expressions do not show an acknowledgement of someone’s opinion?

(单选) which of the following idioms means “让我心烦” in chinese?

(单选) which one of the following idioms means "即兴发挥,见机行事" in english?

(单选) which one of the following music genres refers to the music from movies or tv dramas?

(单选) which expression is equivalent to the chinese “成名曲”?

(多选) which ones of the following are essential members of a band?

(多选) which of the following adjectives could be best used to describe rock music?

(多选) which ones of the following musical instruments could be listed under the "wind instrument" category?

(多选) which ones of the following musical instruments could be listed under the "string instrument" category?

(多选)which ones of the following adjectives could be best used to describe classical music?

(多选) which ones of the following could be used to express “流行音乐榜”?

(多选)which ones of these interjections could be used to express amazement?

(多选) which ones of these interjections could be used to express anger?

if you ask me, has many benefits, as long as . first, as far as i’m concerned, ______________. second, to my mind, _______________________. while it is true that , i’d say this doesn’t mean . personally, . so, in my opinion, is (not) . i believe that as long as , ___________.

(单选)which one of the following expressions could be used to mean "安慰某人"

(多选)which ones of the following expressions mean "a good friend"?

(多选)which of the following are the types of friendship mentioned in this unit?

(单选 )which of the following adjectives of personality does not mean (is not a synonym of) “angry”?

(多选)which of the following adjectives of personality does not mean (is not a synonym of) “confident”?

(多选)which of the following adjectives of personality does not mean (is not a synonym of) “shy”?

(单选)which of the following “mind-map branches” for the main topic "friendship" are in the correct order?

(单选)which of the following best describes "brainstorming" as discussed in this unit?

(单选)a “single parent family” is one where

(单选)what is the best way to describe a “nuclear family”?

(单选) an “extended family” is

(多选)which of the following are generally considered to be a ‘family type’?

(多选)which of the following terms are not usually associated with family types?

which of the following words are not synonyms of, or do not have a similar meaning to, “inspirational”:

which of the following words/expressions have a similar meaning to “bitter”?

(单选)which of the following is not an aspect of the ‘tabular approach’?

(多选)which of the following are note-taking methods described in this lesson?

(单选 ) which word not a synonym of “selfish” when describing children’s attitudes?

(单选)which set of words best fits the following sentence: “confuciani is the _________ that has _________ chinese _________ from several thousand years.”

(单选) filial piety is best described by which option?

(单选)which of the following is not a real famous celebrity?

(单选)which of the following words do not mean talented?

(单选)which of the following words do not mean outrageous?

(多选)which of the following are not true about lady gaga?

(多选)which of the following celebrity/career combinations are correct?

(多选)which of the following are not true about david beckham?

(多选)which of the following are important points for linking‘ideas’?

(单选)what is the main reason that bill gates and his wife were considered to be professional role models?

(单选)which of the following terms best explain expressions such as:‘beatlemania’or‘lisztomania’?

(多选)which of the following phrases are negatively associated with celebrities?

(单选) which one of the following expressions means "一审"?

(单选)which one of these behaviours, in serious cases, could elicit a legal punishment?

(多选) which ones of the following are crimes of stealing?

(多选) which ones of the following expressions mean ""

(多选) which ones of the following are crimes against children?

(单选) what is a person who attacks someone violently in a street in order to steal money from them.

(多选) which ones of the following mean "律师"?

(多选) which ones of these are important details when a crime case is reported to the police?

(多选) which ones of the following expressions signal "the next step"?

(单选) which one of the following expressions means the same as chinese tunic suit?

(单选)which one of the following expressions means "卫衣"?

(单选) which one of the following expressions means "休闲裤"?

(单选) which one of the following clothing styles means "学院风,学生风"?

(单选) which one of the following expressions means "格子的"?

(多选) (单选) which ones of the following quantifiers(量词) could be used with clothes?

(多选) which ones of the following words and expressions are synonymous to "fashionable"?

(多选)which ones of the following are the english equivalents to the chinese expression "名牌"?

(单选)which one of the following means "平头"?

(单选) how to say "我想修一下头发"?

(多选) which ones of the following expressions could you use before paraphrasing others' meanings?

(单选) which of the following expressions is a name for toys of cartoon or tv characters?

which category of toys does "jigsaw puzzle" fall into?

(单选) which one of the following is "过山车"?

(多选) which ones of the following are traditional toys?

(单选) which one of the following is the expression for "跳房子"?

(单选) which one of the following is the expression for "拨绳子"?

(多选)which ones of the following are expressions for "拔河"

(多选) why do we need pauses in our speeches?

confirm the information in the given sentences by means of paraphrasing. e.g. a: i'm by no means a modish person. b: yes, i see. you mean you are not really into fashion. (notice that the bolded words signal the intention to paraphrase."not really into fashion" is the paraphrase of "by no means modish") exercises: 1.a: i don't see the point of being stylish. b:________________________________________. 2.a: i'v scheduled a hair-cut. b:________________________________________. 3.a:i don't have enough money to burn on designer brands. b:________________________________________. 4.a: traditional clothes like cheongsam and mao suit show people's culture identity. b:________________________________________. 5.a: fashion is a multi-billion dollar industry. b:________________________________________. 6.a: i'm into computer games but i'm not a game freak. b:________________________________________. 7.a: all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. b:________________________________________. 8.a: the cartoon movie serial "toy story" is fantabulous. b:________________________________________. 9 a: if you are hooked on(上瘾) the game, it does you no good. b:________________________________________. 10.a:i think people who play games all day just idle their time away(浪费时间). b:________________________________________.

(单选)which one of the following words could be used to mean "something bothering that lingers in your mind"

(单选) which one of the following words sugests the person is very proud?

(单选) which one of the following words could be used to mean "shouting angrily"?

(单选) if someone is very sick, in what kind of way is he likely to talk?

(多选)which of the following are the main disadvantages of the motor car?

(多选)which of the following are the main advantages of the motor car?

(多选)which of the following are the most important advantages of walking and cycling?

(多选)which of the following are the main disadvantages of walking and cycling?

(多选)which of the following is a phrase not normally associated booking a train ticket?

(多选)which of the following is a phrase not normally associated with city bus travel?

(多选)how can city planners improve the quality of city life?

(多选)big transportation infrastructure projects (e.g. high-speed railways) bring wider economic benefits to an area. which of the following are not economic benefits?

(多选)big transport infrastructure projects (e.g. high-speed railways) also create economic dienefits. which of the following are not economic dienefits?

(多选)what was the main reason that ‘by’ was late?

(多选)which of the following reasons were not given for city transport problems?

(单选) which one of the following is the english equivalent for “无形文化遗产”?

(多选) which ones of the following are forms of fine art?

(多选) which ones of the following should you pay attention to when going to a symphony?

(多选) which ones of the following are english equivalents to “皮影戏”?

(多选) which ones of the following are traditional stage-art forms in china?

(多选) when making an introduction of something, why is it important to focus on the main features?

(多选)which ones of the following are major ways to support a point?

(单选) which one of these architectures is usually used for display and could be dientaled once it is no longer needed?

(多选)which ones of the following are ancient style architectures?

(多选)which ones of these are names of western architectural styles?

(多选) which ones of these are features of baroque architectures?

(多选)which ones of the following words refer to high-rise architectures?

describe a person you admire. this person can be either someone you know in your life or a celebrity. include details about who this person is, how you knew this person and why this person is admirable to you. you should speak for at least 2 minutes.

describe a place you would like to recommend to others to visit you should say: where it is when you first went there state at least 2 reasons why you would like to recommend this place. you should speak for at least 2 minutes.

describe an experience which gave you a lesson. you should say when it happened where it happened who were with you what happened and explain what kind of lessons you learned from this experience. you should speak for at least 2 minutes.

教学系统设计的理论基础不包括( )

教材里学过的教学目标分类理论不包括( )

皮亚杰发现自出生到青少年成长期间,个体的认知发展经过四个连续的阶段为( )

下列哪一个不是典型的“以教为主”的教学模式和策略( )

课堂教学中常用教学媒体的特性,不包括( )

在实践中,按照教学中问题范围、大小的不同,教学系统设计可以分为三个层次,下面哪个是错误的?( )

教学系统设计理论属于一种( )

关于多媒体教学软件,下列论述正确的是( )

对学习者特征的说法,下列正确的是( )

对教学媒体的认识,正确的是( )

1.学习者分析的内容包括( )

下列哪些属于典型的“以教为主”的教学模式和策略( )

目前国内外关于教学系统设计的观点有( )

成人学习者不同于在校生的主要特点是( )

影响有意义学习的发生和保持的认知结构变量为( )

最好的教学策略就是在一定情况下达到特定目标的最有效的方体系( )。

教学系统设计理论属于一种描述性理论( )。

皮亚杰发现自出生到青少年成长期间,个体的认知发展经过四个连续的阶段为感知运动阶段、前运算阶段、形式运算阶段、具体运算阶段( )。

各种学习风格都有自身的优缺点,无绝对优劣之分( )。

媒体越先进越好,传统媒体应逐渐淘汰 ( )。

教学设计活动的出发点和最终归宿是教学目标( )。

皮亚杰发现自出生到青少年成长期间,个体的认知发展经过四个连续的阶段为前运算阶段、感知运动阶段、形式运算阶段、具体运算阶段( )。

有效的教学需要有可供选择的各种策略来达到不同的教学目标( )。


教学系统设计理论属于一种规定性理论( )。

认知结构中,原有观念与新观念之间的关系有三种,即( )和 ( )和( )。

物理学习环境设计包括校园文化建设、( )和 ( )三大方面。物理学习环境的设计决不仅仅是简单意义上的“物”的设计,而是隐含着很多观念和人文因素,它对学生的认知发展和情感价值的形成有着潜在影响。

按照评价基准的不同,教学评价可分为( )、( )、( )。

按照评价功能的不同,教学评价可分为( )、( )和( )。

按照评价分析方法的不同,教学评价可以分为( )和( )。

( )是一种根据教学目标设计的、用来表现特定教学内容、反映某种教学策略的计算机教学程序,它是可以用来存储、传递和处理教学信息,能与学习者进行交互操作,并对学习者的学习做出评价的教学软件。

教学系统设计应用研究的新趋势主要有( )、从教学系统设计到绩效技术、学科教学系统设计、等方面,这些新的研究领域不仅拓宽了教学系统设计的视野,而且丰富和发展了教学系统设计的理论和方法体系。

教学系统设计是( )为根本目的,运用系统方法,将学习理论与教学理论的原理转换成对教学目标、教学内容、教学方法和教学策略、教学评价等环节进行具体计划、创设有效的教与学的系统“过程”或“程序”。

教学设计活动的出发点和最终归宿是( )。

在加涅看来,学习的发生要同时依赖( )和( ),教学的目的就是合理安排可靠的( ),以支持、激发、促进学习的。



《内经》经络系统的内容不包括( )









《内经》是西汉时代四大医学流派中 派重要代表作之一。



《内经》汇集成书的年代最可能在( )

《黄帝内经》这一书名最早见于( )

王冰之前,《灵枢》的书名曾为( )

整理《素问》功劳最大者是 ( )

皇甫谧谓“九卷”为( )

对《内经》理论体系形成影响最大的是( )





现存《内经》包括 和 两部分,每部各有 篇。

《内经》是西汉时代四大医学流派中 派重要代表作之一。

王冰编次注释的是( )

《素问》在宋时的校正者是( )

《类经》的作者是( )

《黄帝内经素问直解》的作者是 ( )

现存最早的《素问》单注本是( )

对《内经》进行分类研究的著作有( )












《内经》理论体系学术特征主要是( )





《内经》理论体系的学术特征,是从整体角度、 角度和 角度把握生命规律的。












膀胱者,州都之官, 藏焉, 则能出矣。(《素问•灵兰秘典论》)



《素问·六节藏象论》提出 人体以五脏为本,其中“心”为









《素问·六节藏象论》说:肝者,______ 之本,_______之居也;其华在爪,其充在筋。












所谓五脏者, 而不泻也,故满而不能实;六腑者, 而不藏,故实而不能满也。(《素问•五脏别论》)













天之在我者 也,地之在我者 也,德流气薄而生者也。(《灵枢•本神》)

故生之来谓之 ,两精相搏谓之 。(《灵枢•本神》)














