【单选题】国际贸易合同中的more or less条款的规定,是允许卖方在()上有一定幅度的差异。
【单选题】in international cargo transportation, the most widely adopted bill of lading is()
【单选题】国外来证规定装运期为“on or about september 12”,并注明按ucp600规定办理,则我装船期应为()
【单选题】如果信用证规定“covering marine risks of the peopleˊs insurance company of china dated1/1/1981”,则出口公司()
【单选题】the term cif should be followed by()
【单选题】suppose you are an exporter, please pick out the correct expressing()
【单选题】刚度系数分别为k1、k2的两并联弹簧的等效刚度系数是( )
【单选题】刚度系数分别为k1、k2的两串联弹簧的等效刚度系数是( )
【单选题】质量为m,刚度为k的系统,固有频率为( )
【单选题】在考虑弹簧质量的影响,应该在系统质量中加上弹簧质量的( )
【单选题】初始位移为、初始速度为0的欠阻尼系统的振幅为( )
【单选题】对于阻尼常数为c的黏性阻尼来说,阻尼力为( )
【单选题】阻尼比用阻尼常数和临界阻尼常数可表示为( )
【单选题】作简谐运动的黏性阻尼系统,阻尼常数为c,每个周期的能量耗散为( )
【单选题】对于临界阻尼系统,其运动为( )
【单选题】拍振的频率是( )
【判断题】如果在振动过程中能量总是以某种方式不断损耗,则系统可以被看作是有阻尼的。( )
【判断题】受初始扰动后,系统自由振动的频率称为固有频率。( )
【判断题】简谐运动是周期运动。( )
【判断题】无阻尼系统的振幅不随时间变化。( )
【判断题】在空气中振动的系统可以看作是一个阻尼系统。( )
【判断题】对于单自由度系统而言,无论质量是在水平面还是在斜面上运动,运动微分方程都是相同的。( )
【判断题】当质量块在垂直方向振动时,推导运动微分方程时都可以不计重力。( )
【判断题】在欠阻尼和过阻尼的情况下,运动都将衰减为零。( )
【判断题】振幅放大系数是振幅和静变形的比。( )
【判断题】如果激励是简谐的,那么响应也是简谐的。( )
【判断题】响应的相角依赖于激励函数的幅值。( )
【判断题】拍振时,相应的振幅按一定的方式时而增大时而减小。( )
【判断题】对于任意的激励频率值,阻尼总是使振幅放大系数减小。( )
【单选题】当一个二自由度系统受到简谐激励时,系统以( )振动。
【单选题】振动系统的自由度数取决于( )
【单选题】二自由度系统具有( )
【单选题】一般情况下,二自由度系统的运动微分方程是( )
【单选题】二自由度系统的运动微分方程的一般形式为( )
【单选题】n自由度系统互不相等的固有频率的数目可能是( )
【单选题】系统以某一阶固有频率振动时的形态称为( )
【单选题】系统的基频是( )
【单选题】主振型关于质量矩阵m的正交性是指( )
【单选题】模态分析可以方便地用来求多自由度系统的响应( )
【判断题】对于一个多自由度系统,对每一个自由度都可以写一个运动微分方程。( )
【判断题】主模态也叫主振型。( )
【判断题】多自由度系统的质量矩阵、刚度矩阵和阻尼矩阵都是对称的。( )
【判断题】使用主坐标既可以避免静力耦合也可以避免动力耦合。( )
【判断题】主坐标的使用有助于求解系统的响应。( )
【判断题】系统的振动形式随所选坐标而定。( )
【判断题】耦合的特性随所选坐标系而定。( )
【判断题】系统的质量矩阵总是对称和正定的。( )
【判断题】系统的刚度矩阵总是对称和正定的。( )
【判断题】瑞利法的基础是能量守恒定律。( )
【单选题】下列函数是周期函数的是( )
【填空题】 ( ),( )
【单选题】设是可导函数,且,则等于( )
【单选题】设函数,则在点处的性质是( )
【单选题】若函数在的某一领域内有定义,则在处可导的一个充分条件是( )
【单选题】设为可导函数,且满足条件,则曲线在点处的切线斜率为( ) a.-2 b.-1 c. d.
【单选题】函数的( )原函数,称为的不定积分,记作.
【单选题】设的一个原函数为,则( ).
【单选题】设的原函数是,则=( )
【单选题】已知,那么( )
【单选题】函数的一个原函数是,则( ).
【单选题】若,则( ).
【单选题】利用定积分的几何意义计算( )
【单选题】利用定积分的几何意义计算( )
【单选题】( ).
【单选题】若,则( ).
【单选题】设,则( ).
【单选题】由曲线围成的平面图形的面积为( )
【单选题】由曲线与直线以及围成的平面图形的面积为( )
【单选题】由曲线与直线以及围成的平面图形绕轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积为( )
【单选题】设函数,则( ).
【单选题】二元函数的定义域是( ).
【单选题】11. 下列平面中,过轴的是( )
【单选题】4. 求过点且与平面平行的平面方程.
【单选题】2. 指出方程所表示的曲面名称.
【单选题】4. 指出方程所表示的曲面名称.
【单选题】5. 求以平面内曲线为准线,母线平行于轴的柱面方程.
【单选题】设,且,则( ).
【单选题】设函数,则( ).
【单选题】求函数,,的偏导数( ).
【单选题】是级数收敛的( )
【单选题】若级数发散,发散,则级数( )
【单选题】若级数收敛于,则级数( )
【单选题】将展开成的幂级数为( )
【单选题】函数展成的幂级数为( )
【单选题】将展开成的幂级数为( )
【单选题】若行列式 , 则()
【单选题】已知线性方程组 ,当时,方程组有()解
【单选题】已知线性方程组 ,当时,方程组有解。
【判断题】western worlds share the same dating customs with the far-east countries.
【判断题】an extended family group might include grandparents or aunts, uncles and cousins.
【判断题】wedding ceremony can only be held in a church.
【判断题】in america, only men can ask someone for the date.
【判断题】financial support is the decisive factor for american people in getting into a marriage.
【判断题】american nuclear family includes aunts and cousins.
【判断题】it’s really good on the first date to do an activity in which you can have an opportunity to talk openly with one another.
【判断题】double date is easier going for people than one-on-one situation.
【单选题】what is the polite way of asking a person’s name when talking on a phone?
【单选题】the common response when someone is introduced to you is_________.
【单选题】what can you do to indicate that you have not finished eating?
【单选题】what is considered a bad table manner when we are dining with americans?
【单选题】the amount of tip for the server in a restaurant is about ______of the total bill.
【单选题】how should you always address your professors?
【单选题】what do americans usually do when they meet someone for the first time?
【单选题】the legal drinking age in america is _________.
【单选题】if you have to comment on the subject of weight, how to ask in a safe way? ( )
【单选题】how will you know someone’s income by asking politely and indirectly? ( )
【单选题】which one is a religious cult in the us? ( )
【单选题】what is appropriate in casual conversations? ( )
【单选题】what is appropriate in casual conversations? ( )
【单选题】american children usually start to go to school at the age of _____.
【单选题】students who are interested in the environment can take part in _____.
【单选题】which one of the extracurricular activities is the most popular in american schools?
【单选题】which of the following statements is not true?
【单选题】students who are interested in writing and communication can work for or join the following activities except for _______.
【单选题】when can the students in american university declare a major?
【单选题】how many grades are there in the american senior high school?
【单选题】how long does it take for students to finish elementary school in the u.s.?
【判断题】if a student does decide to live in a dormitory, they do not need to share the room with other students.
【判断题】it’s very helpful to check the leasing advertisement and newspapers to find a nice apartment.
【判断题】professors have office hours in which you can come and get tutoring and extra help with that.
【判断题】if you are 18 years old of age or younger, you can choose homestays to stay in a local family.
【判断题】america has the largest percentage of population of international students in the higher-level of education.
【判断题】utilities such as electricity and telephone connections will most likely be ready to use in the dormitory.
【判断题】the cafeteria in the campus does not have many options available to you.
【判断题】you can only buy study materials in the university bookstores.
【判断题】only christians can join the bible-study group.
【判断题】one important foundation of the fraternity experience is serving the community.
【判断题】phi kappa tau and kappa epsilon are fraternities and sororities names.
【判断题】if you wish to join a fraternity or sorority, it’s by invitation only and you may join more than one.
【判断题】some fraternities and sororities have a residential house outside the campus.
【判断题】a large amount of socializing among american students takes place in bars.
【判断题】party games, singing and food are all common activities at church get-togethers.
【判断题】church lock-ins can offer a fun social activity for everyone on a weekend night.
【判断题】americans seldom hold bbq parties.
【判断题】you have to bring bread in a breaking bread activity.
【判断题】bake sales are a common way for church groups to raise money.
【判断题】churches are social gathering places only for s.
【判断题】bbq is a social gathering where food is served, usually outdoors in the late afternoon or evening.
【判断题】mission trips may include s or teens.
【单选题】the us film market has formidable strengths on dimensions except
【单选题】which one is not one of american three worldwide record companies? ( )
【单选题】which industry has become innovating and bringing new applications to american market?
【单选题】whose m&e market is the largest one worldwide? ( )
【单选题】the u.s. filmed entertainment industry encompasses the following aspects except
【单选题】which of the following is not how americans celebrate halloween?
【单选题】2. which of the following is not what americans do to celebrate new year’s eve?
【单选题】which is not the traditional holiday in china?
【单选题】what is not usually used to decorate the christmas trees?
【单选题】3. which of the following statements is not true?
【单选题】thanksgiving day is on ___________.
【单选题】when did america declare independence?
【单选题】when did the independence day become a paid federal holiday?
【判断题】the white house was located in pennsylvania street in washington, dc.
【判断题】the white house has 5 different parts.
【判断题】the east wing is where the president's oval office and the president's senior staff office.
【判断题】each president is able to redecorate the oval office and the west wing to fit his personal tastes.
【判断题】the president trump redecorated the oval office and chose the color gold.
【判断题】rosalynn carter, in 1980, was the first to place her personal office in the east wing and to formally call it the "office of the first lady".
【判断题】the chrysler building was the tallest building in the world for a year.
【判断题】the chrysler building is still considered one of the finest examples of art deco architecture in the world
【判断题】on all four corners of the 33th floor are silver winged ornaments.
【判断题】the chrysler building is still the tallest brick building in the world.
【单选题】which country gave the statue of liberty to american people as a gift?
【单选题】which of the following statements is false about the statue of liberty?
【单选题】what is the yellowstone national park famous for?
【单选题】which area of the grand canyon national park is more accessible?
【单选题】which of the following states doesn’t cover the yellowstone national park?
【单选题】which of the following is not the landmark of los angeles?
【单选题】where are the hollywood and disneyland located?
【单选题】which of the following is a world heritage site?
【判断题】only some chinese goods can be found in chinatown.
【判断题】chinese immigrants tended to clump together as a result of racial discrimination.
【判断题】chinatown becomes a tourist attraction nowadays.
【判断题】peking duck house where you can eat delicious peking roast duck.
【判断题】chinatown was largely self-supporting, with an internal structure of governing associations and businesses.
【判断题】white laborers welcome chinese people to help them in all kinds of jobs.
【判断题】abraham lincoln was the first american president to be assassinated?
【判断题】abraham lincoln was born in the 20th century.
【判断题】abrham lincoln had received good education and graduated from the famous university.
【判断题】martin luther king jr and gandhi wanted to bring about a major change through non-violent methods.
【判断题】the speech " i have a dream." was delivered by abraham lincoln.
【判断题】andrew carnegie emigrated from holland to america.
【判断题】"the man who dies rich, dies disgraced."was said by eleanor roosevelt.
【判断题】eleanor roosevelt was the first chairperson of the united nations human rights commission
【判断题】eleanor roosevelt was the wife of theodore roosevelt.
【判断题】eleanor roosevelt was the longest serving first lady of the us, from 1933 until 1950.
【单选题】which one is the largest group in all of the isions of the scouts?
【单选题】according to the video, which statement is not true?
【单选题】what is the mission of the girl scouts of the united states of america ?
【单选题】what is the purpose of venturing?
【单选题】to help pay for their activities, scouts mainly raise money
【单选题】boy scouting is the flagship program for boys ages ____.
【单选题】how are the girl scouts' achievements recognized?
【单选题】in the video, what specific activity the boy scouts does not experience?
【单选题】如果要使用dreamweaver面板组,需要通过以下哪个菜单实现( )?
【单选题】打开“首选参数”设置对话框的的快捷键是( )
【单选题】打开“页面属性”设置对话框的快捷键是( )
【单选题】下列哪种设置文本颜色的值是错误的( )。
【单选题】在“页面属性”设置对话框中,“编码”的默认值是:( )
【单选题】使用dreamweaver在网页中生成段落,正确的操作方法是:( )
【单选题】以下哪个html标签是换行标签( )。
【单选题】网页中空格对应的html标签是( )。
【单选题】如果要给图像添加文字说明,需要设置图像的( )属性。
【单选题】在html标签中,图像的属性用( )标记来定义。
【单选题】如果要在dreamweaver行为或撰写脚本时可以引用该图像,需要设置图像的( )属性。
【单选题】如果要设置图像周围元素到图像的距离,需要设置图像的( )属性。
【单选题】要选中某个单元格,可以将光标识先定位在该单元格,然后鼠标移到状态栏的( ),单击该标识可以单元格。
【单选题】表格的可见与否是靠( )来决定的。
【单选题】下面对表格的说法中不正确的一项是( )。
【单选题】下面哪个表格属性可以增加表格中内容与单元格边框之间的距离( )。
【填空题】在dreamweaver cs3 中若要选择整个表格,可将光标插入点定位到表格的任一单元格中,单击窗口左下角标签选择器中的__________标签即可。
【简答题】在dreamweaver cs3 中有几种选择整个表格的方法?
【单选题】若要选择不相邻的单元格,可以通过以下操作来实现( )。
【单选题】当把篇幅大于指定单元格的内容放入到单元格中,则会( )。
【单选题】下列关于单元格的说法错误的是( )。
【单选题】下列关于表格属性的说法错误的是( )。
【单选题】链接是( )的简称,利用()可以实现在不同的url之间跳转。
【单选题】在dreamweaver中,我们可以为链接设立目标,表示在新窗口打开网页的是:( )。
【单选题】在dreamweaver中,下面哪些对象不能对其设置超链接的是:( )。
【单选题】在设置图象超连接时,可以在alt文本框中填入注释的文字,下面不是其作用的是:( )。
【单选题】创建一个自动发送电子邮件的链接的代码是:( )
【单选题】在dreamweaver中,设置e-mail 的超链接, 在link 栏中的格式是:( )。
【单选题】创建空链接使用的符号是:( )。
【单选题】一个url 的构成为:protocol://machinename [:port]/directory/filename 其中machinename可以是:( )
【单选题】在html 中,下面是超链接标签的是:( )
【单选题】html 语言中,创建一个位于文档内部的靶位的标记是:( )
【单选题】在dreamweaver中,下面对文本和图像设置超链接说法错误的是:( )
【单选题】在设置图像超链接时,可以在替代文本框中填入注释的文字,下面不是其作用是:( )
【单选题】在默认情况下,下面关于给文字插入超链接说确的是:( )
【单选题】在dreamweave中设置超连接属性时, 当目标框架设置为_blank 时,表示的是:( )
【多选题】网页中的超级链接根据所链接的对象不同,包括:( )
【单选题】有一个供用户注册的网页,在用户填写完成后,点击“确定”按钮,网页将检查所填写的资料的有效性,这是因为使用了dreamweaver 的( )事件。
【单选题】在表单元素“列表”的属性中,( )用来设置列表显示的行数。
【单选题】在dreamweaver表单的提交方式:( )
【单选题】下面表单的工作过程说法错误的是:( )
【单选题】表单域可能不包含( )元素。
【单选题】下面关于设置按钮属性的说法错误的是:( )
【单选题】下面关于设置文本域的属性说法错误的是:( )
【单选题】( )不是表单的基本元素。
【单选题】服务器端的权限是不开放的情况下,关于递交表单说确的是:( )
【多选题】可以插入到表单中的对象有: ( )
【简答题】css 样式表有何特点?
【判断题】20-1、使用“css 规则定义”对话框中的“类型”类别可以定义 css 样式的基本字体和类型设置
【判断题】20-2、使用“css 规则定义”对话框的“背景”类别不可以定义 css 样式的背景设置。可以对网页中的任何元素应用背景属性。
【判断题】20-3、使用“css 规则定义”对话框的“区块”类别可以用于控制元素在页面上的放置方式的标签和属性定义设置。
【判断题】20-4、使用“css 规则定义”对话框的“方框”类别可以定义标签和属性的间距和对齐设置。
【判断题】20-5、使用“css 规则定义”对话框的“边框”类别可以定义元素周围的边框的设置(如宽度、颜色和样式)。
【简答题】在adobe dreamweaver cs6 中如何定义 css 样式定位属性。
【单选题】“动作”是dreamweaver 预先编写好的( )脚本程序,通过在网页中执行这段代码就可以完成相应的任务。
【单选题】当鼠标移动到文字链接上时显示一个隐藏层,这个动作的触发事件应该是( )。
【多选题】在dreamweaver中,behavior(行为)是有几项构成:( )
【单选题】下面关于脚本语言的说法错误的是:( )
【单选题】(动态html) 下面关于javascript脚本的说法错误的是:( )
【单选题】(动态html) 在dreamveaver中,下面哪个动态html 技术可以实现网上交互游戏:( )
【单选题】下面关于行为、事件和动作的说确的是:( )
【单选题】在dreamweave中,下面几项不是action(动作)类型的是:( )