the two had an idea to create useful materials from waste. they developed a biodegradable 6_________ that could replace man-made insulation. biodegradable materials are capable of being slowly broken down through natural processes.
bill martin thinks we can always have the feeling of “boy, this is exactly what i want” when we shop online.
2009年1月7日,工业和信息化部为移动发放了基于( )技术制式的3g牌照。
and then some of the radiation is (5) ________back into space.
2. eap is actually studying english for academic purposes.
the $23,000 they won in the 8___________ helped them start their company, aeropowder.
cornell university marketing professor ed mclaughlin thinks anything that cannot move online, will.
3. if you speak academic english, you’ll know a special vocabulary associated with your subject, and you’ll be used to writing or speaking in a particular way.
2. why did the speaker show the video about a woman speaking koro to her baby?