
时间:2024-06-24 07:44:43

【单选题】目前,我国城市的二氧化碳排放总量,建筑方面占了( )。

【单选题】本课程探讨的工程学,属于( )范畴。

【单选题】工程的发展经历了几个阶段( )。

【单选题】个人中心主义( )自我。

【单选题】儒家修身的核心是( )。

【多选题】工程作为一种社会实验具有哪些特征?( )

【填空题】学也称为( ),它是对人类道德生活进行系统性思考和研究的学科。

【填空题】东方工程学是基于( )为理论基础的工程学。

【填空题】( )不是一个孤立绝缘的个体,而是一个在复杂的关系中间所显现的中心点。

【填空题】本课程从儒学思想中提炼出了“( )省、习”八个精神价值

【单选题】“格物”的“格”,意为( )。

【单选题】借用儒家格物思维,建筑之“礼”是( )。

【单选题】借用儒家格物思维,建筑之“仁”是( )。


【多选题】“仁礼兼备方为君子”,那么美好的建筑应该具备( )。

【多选题】借用斜拉桥的结构体系,深圳万科总部底层完全架空的作用有( )。

【填空题】儒家修身的核心价值是( ),它的外在表达我们称为( ),( )是社会的、道德的、中的各类行为规范的准则,不是僵硬的遵守准则,是由内心的仁为支撑的自然表达。

【填空题】欲诚其意者,先致( ),( )在( )。

【单选题】“仁”在儒家价值中层次最高,范围( )。

【单选题】好刚不好学,其蔽也( )。

【单选题】儒家所提倡的( ),让我们具备塑造和深化关系的素质。

【单选题】“恕”,具有认知和谋略的作用,帮助我们在困境中找到转机,它的内在动力是内心的( )。

【单选题】英语文献中,把“诚”翻译成( ),并将其作为最为重要的含义。

【单选题】“绿色学校”主要教授三类课程,哈迪夫妇把这称为“全人教育”,其别强调( )教育。


【单选题】反省的前提是( )。

【单选题】建筑师( )2012年获得了普利兹克建筑奖(pritzker architecture prize),成为获得该奖项的第一个人。

【单选题】自我反省产生的无止境的自我转化过程,最终得通过( ),作为反省思考的实践来实现。

【多选题】孔子对颜回的评价是( )。

【多选题】绿色学校设计团队,借鉴高科技,采用了( )措施,有效延长竹子的使用寿命。

【多选题】以下哪些是绿色学校的节能减排措施( )。

【多选题】在建筑师王澍的众多建筑作品中,本课程重点介绍了( )。

【填空题】子曰:“居处( ),执事( ),与人( )。虽之夷狄,不可弃也。”

【填空题】孔子对自己的评价是“( )”,这是他引以为傲的品格。

【填空题】好信不好学,其蔽也( );好直不好学,其蔽也( );

【填空题】已欲( )而( )人,己欲( )而( )人。

【填空题】在孔子看来,( )是没有是非善恶分辨的人,表面行为符合所有礼的规范,但实际是不真诚的人。

【填空题】孟子曰:“( )莫善于寡欲。”

【填空题】曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不( )乎?与朋友交而不( )乎?传不( )乎?”

【填空题】孔子曰:“君子有九思:视思明,听思聪,色思温,貌思( ),言思忠,事思( ),疑思问,忿思难,见得思( )。”

【单选题】( )是建筑师王澍唯一的一个商品房作品。

【单选题】( )在2012年被国际养老权威测评机构评为世界上最好的养老项目之首。

【单选题】爱因斯坦曾说:“如果你们想使你们的一生的工作有益于人类,那么,你们只懂得应用科学本身是不够的。关心( )的本身,应当始终成为一切技术上奋斗的主要目标。”

【单选题】杭州钱江时代垂直院落的特点是( )。

【多选题】汉斯贝克先生为了让老人能够有正常的社交圈,能够看到自己的价值,提出了( )。

【多选题】工程师的社会责任有( )。

【多选题】自我不是一个孤立绝缘的个体,而是一个在复杂的关系中间所显现的中心点。个人人格的发展,需要在复杂关系中不断突破( )。

技术经济学的研究对象分为( )四个层面的问题。

在对投资方案进行经济效果评价时,应( )。

技术方案经济效果评价,分析论证的对象是( )。

下列有关技术与经济的关系的描述中,错误的是( )

根据技术经济分析的比较原理,对两个以上技术方案进行经济效益比较时,必须遵循的可比原则是( )

某人在银行存款,存款利率为6%,按复利计。若10年内每年年初存款2000元,第10年年末本利和为( )。

某公司向银行借款,贷款年利率6%,第1年初借款100万元,每年计息一次;第2年末借款200万元,每半年计息一次,两笔借款均在第3年末还本付息,则复本利和为( )万元。

现存款1000元,年利率为12%,复利按季计息,第2年年末的本利和为( )。

下列有关现金流量图描述不正确的是( )。

下列关于资金时间价值的说法中,正确的有( )。

某建设项目固定资产原值则1000万元,综合折旧年限为10年,净残值率为3%。关于该项目折旧的说法,正确的是( )。

某年年初甲、乙两人分别从银行借款1000万元,年利率为5%,约定的还款期均为5年。按照约定,甲用分年等额还本付息的方式还款,每年还款230.97万元;乙用分年等额还本、利息照付的方式还款。第三年,甲需向银行偿还的本息额比乙( )。

企业实现的利润一般应进行以下几方面的分配:①弥补以前年度亏损;②向投资者分配利润;③提取任意公积金;④提取法定公积金。其正确的分配顺序应是( )。

关于项目财务分析中成本费用的说法,正确的有( )。

下列关于营业收入估算具体要求的说法,正确的有( )。

在项目财务评价中,若某一方案可行,则( )

某项目净现值npv与收益率i之间的关系显示,净现值函数曲线与横轴的交点在7%和9%之间,与纵轴的交点为69万元,若基准收益率为6%,该项目的内部收益率和财务净现值分别约为( )。

在下列项目财务评价指标中,反映借款偿债能力的指标是( )。

对于常规投资项目,下列描述中正确的有( )。

在下列影响基准收益率的因素中,确定基准收益率的基础是( )。

( )是相比较的两个方案的各年净流量差额的现值之和等于零时的折现率。

某项目有可供选择的两个方案:方案a的寿命期为8年,净现值为400万元,内部收益率为14%;方案b的寿命期为12年,净现值为700万元,内部收益率为16%。已知基准收益率为12%,(a/p,12%,8=0.2013),(a/p,12%,12=0.1614),则下列说确的是( )。

有4个独立方案a、b、c、d,寿命期相等,各方案的投资额和净现值率如下所示:方案a投资额20000元,净现值率0.2287;方案b投资额50000元,净现值率0.1719;方案c投资额30000元,净现值率0.4074;方案d投资额10000元,净现值率0.1993;投资限额5万元,则最佳的投资组合为( )。

在对投资方案进行经济效益评价时,对寿命期不同的互斥方案进行比较时可选用( )。

对寿命期相同的互斥方案,比选方确的有( )。

某项目以生产能力利用率表示的盈亏平衡点为56%,根据盈亏平衡点的计算公式判断,若固定成本降低,其他条件不变,盈亏平衡点也会发生变化,变化后的数值更接近于( )。

某项目基本方案的项目财务内部收益率为23.1%,当原材料价格上升10%时,项目财务内部收益率下降到16.6%,经计算,原材料价格的敏感度系数为( )。

下列有关项目风险的表述中,正确的是( )。

在盈亏平衡分析图中,盈亏平衡点的位置越高,说明( )。

敏感度系数和临界点是敏感性分析的两项重要指标,下列有关敏感度系数和临界点的表述中,正确的有( )。

在项目投资现金流量表中,现金流出不包括( )。

某项目投资来源中,项目资本金3000万元,借入银行资金2000万元,建设期借款利息400万元。在编制项目财务现金流量表时,建设期现金流出的投资应为( )万元。

根据已计算累计盈余资金,分析技术方案财务生存能力的现金流量表是( )。

资本金现金流量表用以计算资本金财务内部收益率,反映在一定融资方案下投资者权益投资的获利能力,资本金现金流量表可为下列决策提供依据,主要包括( )。

关于资产负债表作用的说法,正确的有( )。

进行效益和费用范围调整时,识别财务现金流量中属于( )的内容,并逐项从财务效益和费用流量中剔除。

从资源配置角度反映项目经济效益的相对量指标是( )。

投资项目经济费用效果分析应遵循( )的原则。

关于社会折现率的说确的有( )

间接效益主要包括( )。

在价值工程功能分析中不必要的功能包括( )。

某产品的功能现实成本为5000元,目标成本4500元,该产品分为三个功能区,各功能区f1、f2、f3的重要性系数分别为0.34、0.42、0.24,各功能区现实成本分别为2000元、1900元、1100元。应用价值工程时,优先选择的改进对象依次是( )。

在价值工程活动中,通过分析求得某评价对象价值系数v后,对该评价对象可以采取的策略是( )。

某施工企业对建筑物的外墙进行功能分析的说法,正确的有( )。

造成价值工程活动对象的价值系数v小于1的可能原因有( )。

下列属于第一种有形磨损的是( )。

某设备原始费用为5000元,年运行费为:第一年为400元,以后每年增加150元,若残值为0,不计利息,则其经济寿命为( )。

设备更新方案的比较和选优常与互斥投资方案的比选相同,在实际比选时,我们经常假定不同方案中的设备产生的( )相同。

对设备可消除性的有形磨损进行补偿的方式有( )。

下列关于设备更新方案比选的原则,正确的说法是( )。



【判断题】plc是programmable logic controller 的缩写













【单选题】gx developer编程软件中划线输入的快捷键是?

【判断题】gx developer编程软件中变换程序的快捷键是f4.

【判断题】gx developer编程软件中快捷键f2是运行监视.

【判断题】gx developer编程软件中快捷键f3是运行监视.

【判断题】gx developer编程软件中程序由运行模式转换到写入模式时可以按快捷键f2。



















【判断题】m8000是plc的运行监视,plc运行时m8000为on,停止时m8000为off 。










【判断题】gx developer编程软件中变换程序的快捷键是f4.

【判断题】gx developer编程软件中快捷键f3是运行监视.

【判断题】gx developer编程软件中程序由运行模式转换到写入模式时可以按快捷键f2。

















【判断题】子程序返回指令为sret ,步进返回指令为ret。




【单选题】通过广泛的竞品分析、痛点分析、需求分析、战略分析等方法来确定出产品的概念化设计,属于项目学习流程的( )阶段。

【单选题】包括产品原型设计、产品的交互、产品的技术、产品包装、产品制作、产品运营等完整的产品生命周期进行仿真,属于项目学习流程的( )阶段。

【单选题】项目成果进行包装展示,属于项目学习流程的( )阶段。

【单选题】产品推广到市场中,属于项目学习流程的( )阶段。

【单选题】对项目教学描述错误的是( )。

【多选题】新工科教育改革的背景包括( )。

【多选题】新工科的三个“新”指的是( )。

【多选题】项目学习的三个特点是( )。

【判断题】项目学习是不需要老师角色的学习方式。( )

【判断题】每一次项目学习的最后结果都会不同。( )







【多选题】toronto deep learning 网站可以将用户上传的图片返回()。




【单选题】2016年mogia 对( )数据进行处理后预测到特朗普将打败希拉里。

【单选题】通过( )可以对图灵机器人的问答内容进行自定义。

【单选题】体现人类智能的四种能力是( )。

【单选题】人类将感性知识抽象为理性知识、提出概念和建立方法,这属于( )能力。

【单选题】斯坦福-比纳理论是一种人类智商模型,用( )来量化人类的智商值。

【多选题】中文分词的两大挑战是( )。

【多选题】机器所需要的知识库需有( )特征。

【判断题】根据斯坦福-比纳理论,中等智力在人数上约占90%。( )

【判断题】根据通用人工智能智商评测系统,在 2014 年的测试中, google、百度和搜狗的智商超过6岁的人类。


【单选题】产品结构包括外部结构、核心结构、系统结构和空间结构,它是( )之间相互作用和联系的方式。

【单选题】( )体现了产品与外部环境之间的能量和信息输入、输出的变换关系。


【多选题】产品系统要素包括( )。

【多选题】服务型机器人涉及的典型技术包括( )。

【多选题】自动驾驶汽车至少包含以下机制的协同操作( )。

【判断题】智能音箱与人之间的交流属于双向交流( )。




【单选题】ai创新类项目评审的要点不包括( )。

【多选题】ai创业类项目评审的要点包括( )。

【多选题】项目资料的考核包括( )。

【多选题】商业计划书的作用包括( )。

【多选题】路演中市场分析的主要内容有( )。

【多选题】路演前需要做的准备有( )。

【多选题】通过本课程的学习,同学们可以成为具有( )的人才。

【多选题】商业计划书有( )这三种类别。

【判断题】阐述项目商业模式时,如果项目处于早期,产品还在概念或设计阶段,该部分的市场、销售等不是重点,简要说明即可( )。

【判断题】商业计划书中项目团队的组成需要在公司架构体系下,形成规范的公司组织( )。

水彩画取得长足发展,始于十八世纪的( )

水彩画强调( )的运用。没有它,就没有水彩画。

水彩画具有的基本特征是( )

水彩画纸不同,所表现出来的效果有很大差别。我们最常见的是水彩纸是( )

水彩艺术的起步和发展历经几代,经蔡元培,丰子恺等前辈的倡导,水彩画在20世纪50年代初就已成为我国小学美术课的( )内容。

下列不是丢勒作品的是:( )

下列哪些画家是现代水彩画:( )



水彩画笔按笔头形状可划分为:( )






下列哪些是水彩画最基本的构图方式:( )



色彩对比因素有:( )



水彩画的基本技法大体上可分作 、 两大类

水彩画用笔方法具有极丰富的变化:点、勾、涂、染、皴、擦、扫、拖、揉、洗以及运笔方向等,都要根据不同对象分别处理。 体现在画面上,有的笔触 , 有的 ,往往透露着画者内在的情感。

采用湿时连接法着色,颜色相互浸润、渗透,衔接自然,溶为一体而有变化。既可便于在画面展开铺色,也可用于局部描绘,最适宜于速写性的水彩画,有 和 的优点

干后重叠 是干画法的主要着色方法,它利用水彩画的透明性特点,层层加色来描绘,使色彩 、 ,但重叠次数不宜过多,此法早为写实的画家所运用。







安德鲁·怀斯是 国当代最著名的水彩与蛋彩画家之一。

安德斯·佐恩是瑞典画家,在巴黎和伦敦逗留期间受 绘画的启发,开始研究光与色的关系。他的画面清新明朗,笔法畅快。

水彩画家 ,他的水彩人物,造型严谨厚重,神形兼备,笔法洒脱,色彩高雅,被誉为当今最具权威的水彩人物画家。他将水彩画推到了前所未有的境界,在水彩上的艺术成就得到中外水彩界极高评价。

刘凤兰是一位成果卓著、令人瞩目的水彩画家和建筑美术教育家,她的水彩画以西洋水彩画技法为基础,融合了东方“以形媚道”观和“畅神”论,追求 , ,互融互契,创造形与神的融合,在神情超越中使胸中之笔化作淋漓的色彩,构成一幅幅韵味无限的水彩风景画。

水彩画保存面临的三种问题:( )


水彩画的新玩法:( )







春天天空的云特征是:( )

下面最适合可以适当添加点景人物的是( )

水彩画的着色顺序一般是:( )

湿画法画水彩静物的步骤包括:( )

风景画的特点:( )

掌握色调的途径主要有:( )

安排兴趣中心的最佳位置:( )

可以强调出生长、庄严、屹立等感觉的构图是:( )

下列不属于画面中明暗分类的是:( )

创作时需要考虑的基本要素有:( )

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what microeconomics is about?( )

economics proceeds by making models of ( ), which are simplified representations of reality.

the demand curve shows ( )

the conflict between the scarce economic wants of society and its limited resources gives rise to the economizing problem.

the only requirement for a market to be perfectly competitive is for the market to have many buyers and sellers.

econimics is the study of

scarce resources mean

in market, prices will transfer information about supply and demand

economic equilibrium means the economic status will not be changed without others changing.

market allocation of resources means market use prices as signals to allocate resources to their highest valued use.

if there are two goods with positive prices and the price of one good is reduced, while income and other prices remain constant, then the size of the budget set is reduced.

if preferences are transitive, more is always preferred to less.

with quasi-linear preferences, the slope of indifference curves is constant along all rays through the origin.

hans has 27 dollars, which he decides to spend on x and y. commodity x costs $16 per unit and commodity y costs $10 per unit. he has the utility function u (x, y)=5x2 2y2 and he can purchase fractional units of x and y.

wanda littlemore's utility function is u (x, y) = x 63y2.her income is 184. if the price of x is 1 and the price of y is 33, how many units of good x will wanda demand?

if one utility function is a monotonic transformation of another, then the former must assign a higher utility number to every bundle than the latter.

if a consumer does not have convex preferences, then a point of tangency between her indifference curve and her budget line must be an optimal consumption point.

isobel consumes positive quantities of both jam and and juice. the price of jam is 5 cents per unit and the price of juice is 10 cents per unit. her marginal utility of jam is 10 and her marginal utility of juice is 5.

if the equlibrium price of gasoline is $1.00 per gallon and the government places a price ceiling on gasoline of $1.50 per gallon, the result will be a shortage of gasoline

if preferences are quasilinear, then for very high incomes the income offer curve is a straight line parallel to one of the axes.

if two goods are substitutes, then an increase in the price of one of them will increase the demand for the other.

an engel curve is a demand curve with the vertical and horizontal axes reversed.

daisy received a tape recorder as a birthday gift and is not able to return it. her utility function is u(x,y,z)=x z1/2f(y)where z is the number of tapes she buys, y is the number of tape recorders she has and x is the amount of money she has left to spend. f(y)=0if y<1and f(y)=8 if y is 1 or greater. the price of tapes is 2 and she can easily afford to buy dozens of tapes. how many tapes will she buy?

mike consumes two commodities, x and y; and his utility function is min{x 2y,y 2x}. he chooses to buy 8 units of good x and 16 units of good y. the price of good y is 0.50. what is his income?

quasilinear preferences are homothetic when the optimal amount of one of the goods is not affordable.

walt consumes strawberries and cream but only in the fixed ratio of three boxes of strawber ries to two cartons of cream. at any other ratio, the excess goods are totally useless to him. the cost of a box of strawberries is 10 and the cost of a carton of cream is 10. walt's income is 200.which of the following is true?

madonna buys only two goods. her utility function is cobb-douglas. her demand functions have which of the following properties?

the downward sloping demand curve can be explained by:

other things held constant, which of the following would not cause a change in demand for beef?

the strong axiom of revealed preference requires that if a consumer chooses x when he can afford y; and chooses y when he can afford z; then he will not choose z when he can afford x.

if a consumer maximizes a utility function subject to a budget constraint and has strictly convex preferences, then his behavior will necessarily satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preference and the strong axiom of revealed preference.

let a stand for the bundle (7,9);b stand for the bundle (10,5); and c stand for the bundle (6,6). when prices are (2,4); betty chooses c. when prices are (12,3) she chooses a. which of the following is true?

remember that the laspeyres price index uses the old quantities for the weights. in 1971, good x cost 3 and good y cost 1. the current price of good x is 3 and the current price of good y is 5. in 1971 the consumption bundle was (x,y) = (3,5). the current consumption bundle is (x,y) = (9 ,4). the laspeyres index of current prices relative to 1971 prices is closest to which of the following numbers?

it follows from the weak axiom of revealed preference that if a consumer chooses x when he could afford y and chooses y when he could afford x; then his income must have changed between the two observations.

at prices (4,12); harry chooses the bundle (9,4). at the prices (8,4); harry chooses the bundle (2,9). is this behavior consistent with the weak axiom of revealed preference?

if the bundle x is revealed (directly or indirectly) as preferred to the bundle y and x ¹ y, then it is never the case that the y is revealed (directly or indirectly) as preferred to x; so the necessary and sufficient condition for well-behaved preference is ( )

revealed preference ysis tests the behavioral hypothesis that a consumer chooses the most preferred bundle from those available. discover the consumer's preference relation.

a giffen good must be an inferior good.

the compensated demand function refers to the demand function of someone who is adequately paid for what he for she sells.

in the case of homothetic preferences the entire change in demand from a price change is due to the substitution effect.

walt considers x and y to be perfect substitutes. they originally cost 10 and 9 respectively. his income is 720. one day the price of x drops to 8. which of the following is true?

suppose that bananas are a normal good and woody is currently consuming 100 bananas at a price of 10 cents each.

john purchases two goods, x and y. good x is an inferior good for some range of income.there must be another range of income for which good x is a normal good.

the following can be said about the income and substitution effects of a price increase on the demand for the good whose price rose:

when the price of x rises, marvin responds by changing his demand for x. the substitution effect is the part of this change that represents his change in demand:

nonnegative means ( )

opposite to that of the price change, ( ) just like the sultsky substitution effect

if a rational utility maximizer is a net demander of a good, and if an increase in its price causes him to buy more of it, then it must be an inferior good.

if a consumer is a buyer of some goods and a seller of others, then a change in prices will generate an extra income effect in the slutsky equation due to the revaluation of the consumer's endowment.

if a utility maximizer is a net seller of something and the price of that good rises while other prices stay constant, her situation might improve so much that she becomes a net buyer

marsha mellow is very flexible. she consumes x and y. she says `give me x or give me y; i don't care. i can't tell the difference between them.' she is currently endowed with 14 units of x and 6 units of y. the price of x is 4 times the price of y. marsha can trade x and y at the going prices, but has no other source of income. how many units of y will marsha consume?

if leisure is a normal good, then an increase in non-labor income will reduce labor supply.

mr. cog has 18 hours per day to ide between labor and leisure. his utility function is u (c,r) = cr; where c is dollars per year spent on consumption and r is hours of leisure. if he has a nonlabor income of 40 dollars per day and a wage rate of 8 dollars per hour, he will choose a combination of labor and leisure that allows him to spend:

if abishag owns 12 quinces and 10 kumquats, and if the price of kumquats is 3 times the price of quinces, how many kumquats can she afford if she buys as many kumquats as she can?

if abishag owns 16 quinces and 15 kumquats, and if the price of kumquats is 4 times the price of quinces, how many kumquats can she afford if she buys as many kumquats as she can?

the share price of grath oil is currently $77.06. several months ago, when the price was $51.21, charles bought 186 shares of grath oil. if he sells all of his stock in grath oil today, how much profit will he make? → $1,504.17

consumer's surplus is another name for excess demand.

the equivalent variation in income from a tax is the amount of extra income that a consumer would need in order to be as well off after the tax is imposed as he was originally.

with quasilinear preferences, the equivalent variation and the compensating variation in income due to a tax are the same.

ella's utility function is min{4x,y}. if the price of x is 15 and the price of y is 20, how much money would she need to be able to purchase a bundle that she likes as well as the bundle(x,y) = (5,8)?

sir plus has a demand function for mead that is given by the equation d(p) = 100-p.if the price of mead is 75, how much is sir plus's net consumer surplus?

sam has quasilinear preferences and his demand function for x is d(p) = 15-p/3.the price of x is initially $15 per unit and increases to $24 per unit. sam's change is consumer surplus is the closest to:

( ) is the difference between what consumers are willing and able to pay for a good and what they actually pay for the good.

( ) depict the various quantities that buyers would be willing and able to purchase at different prices

the inverse demand curve p (x) for a good x measures the price per unit at which the quantity x would be demanded.

if a price changes, then changes in consumption at the intensive margin are changes that happen because consumers alter the amounts that they consume, but do not either stop consuming or start consuming the good.

if the demand function is q = 3m=p; where m is income and p is price, then the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand decreases as price increases.

marginal revenue is equal to price if the demand curve is horizontal.

the constant elasticity of demand for cigarettes has been estimated to be 0.5. to reduce oking by 75%, approximately how much tax needs to be added to a $1 pack?

market demand relevant to industry marketing expenditure show infinity, is said to be ( )

( )occurs when the quantity demanded changes little as price changes

elasticity of demand means a measure of how responsive consumers are to price changes.

price floor means a legal minimum price that buyers must pay for a product.

if the supply curve is vertical, then the amount supplied is independent of price.

the supply curve slopes up and to the right. if the demand curve shifts upward to a new curve which is everywhere higher than the old curve (but possibly of different slope) and if the supply curve does not shift, then the equilibrium price and quantity must necessarily increase.

an economic situation is pareto optimal only if there is no way to make someone better off.

the demand for pickles is given by p=131-2q and supply is given by p=5 7q. what is the equilibrium quantity?

the demand function for fresh strawberries is q = 200-5p and the supply function is q=60 2p. what is the equilibrium price?

if a quantity tax is collected from competitive suppliers of a good, placing a tax on the good causes the price paid by consumers to increase more than if the tax had been collected directly from the buyers.

the demand function for x is d(p) = 65-2p and the supply function is s(p) = 20 p. the price that should be set to restrict quantity supplied to 30 units is closest to:

the demand function for rental apartments is q = 960-7p and the supply function is q = 160 3p. the government makes it illegal to charge a rent higher than 35. how much excess demand will there be?

( )factors other than price that locate the position of a demand curve 1. consumers' tastes 2. of consumers in the market 3. consumers' incomes 4. the prices of related goods 5. expected prices shifts the curve

a good (or service) whose consumption declines as income rises and increases as income decreases increase in income=decrease in consumption decrease in income=increase in consumption

the production set of a firm is the set of all products the firm can produce.

a production isoquant is a locus of combinations of inputs that are equally profitable.

if a firm moves from one point on a production isoquant to another point on the same isoquant, which of the following will certainly not happen?

in any production process, the marginal product of labor equals:

the production function f (x,y) = x y has constant returns to scale

( ) means the relationship between the inputs employed by a firm and the max output it can produce with those inputs.-technology is process to turn in to out production function represents firms technology

does ( ) decline eventually as the number of workers increases

the marginal product of a factor is just the derivative of the production function with respect to the amount of this factor, holding the amounts of other factor inputs constant.

the weak axiom of profit maximizing behavior states that in a modern mixed economy, firms have only a weak incentive to maximize profits.

a fixed factor is a factor of production that is used in fixed proportion to the level of output.

just as in the theory of utility maximizing consumers, the theory of profit maximizing firms allows the possibility of "giffen factors". these are factors for which a fall in price leads to a fall in demand.

the production function is given by f (l)=6l2/3 . suppose that the cost per unit of labor is 12 and the price of output is 6, how many units of labor will the firm hire?

when farmer hoglund applies n pounds of fertilizer per acre, the marginal product of fertilizer is 1-(n=200) bushels of corn. if the price of corn is $1 per bushel and the price of fertilizer is $0.40 per pound, then how many pounds of fertilizer per acre should farmer hoglund use in order to maximize his profits?

which of the following is a short-run adjustment?

in a perfectly competitive industry, the demand curve for the total output of the industry may be downward sloping.

price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximization

the cost function c(w1,w2,y) expresses the cost per unit of output of producing y units of output if equal amounts of both factors are used.

if it costs $10 to set up and later clean a bagel press and bagels cost $1 per week, per bagel, to store, how many times should the bagel press be run each week to produce 500 bagels a week to be sold continuously?

if output is produced according to q = 4lk, the price of k is $10, and the price of l is$10, then the cost minimizing combination of k and l capable of producing 16 units of output is

the average variable cost curve must always be u shaped.

the marginal cost curve passes through the minimum point of the average fixed cost curve.

which of the following is most likely to be an implicit cost for company x?

to the economist, total cost includes:

in a perfectly competitive industry, the demand curve for the total output of the industry may be downward sloping.

price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximization

the change in producer's surplus when the market price changes from p1 to p2 is half of the area to the left of the marginal cost curve between p1 and p2.

for a perfectly competitive firm operating at the profit-maximizing output level in the short run, its marginal cost equals market price

microsoft is a/an ___ in windows operating system.

monopoly is ___.

monopoly maximizes its profit mainly rely on its ___.

when monopolistic profit has been maximized, its marginal cost is ___ than its marginal revenue.

deadweight loss of monopoly is ___.

for a monopolist who faces a downward sloping demand curve, marginal revenue is less than price whenever quantity sold is positive.

mr can possibly be negative.

( ) is a method of setting prices that occurs when marginal revenue equals marginal cost or supply quanity where tr exceeds tc by greatest amount.

barries of entry is ( )

to sell at a larger q, monopoly must

wobble's weebles is the only producer of weebles. it makes weebles at constant marginal cost c (where c > 0) and sells them at a price of p1 per weeble in market 1 and at a price of p2 per weeble in market 2. the demand curve for weebles in market 1 has a constant price elasticity of demand equal to -2. the demand curve for weebles in market 2 has a constant price elasticity equal to -3/2. the ratio of the profit maximizing price in market 1 to the profit maximizing price in market 2 is:

if a monopsonist pays the wage rate w; then the amount of labor that he can hire is l(w) = aw, where a is a positive constant. the marginal cost of labor to the monopsonist is:

the frangle industry is a monopoly, with a demand curve 100-p; where p is the price of frangles. it takes one unit of labor and no other inputs to produce a frangle. the frangle-makers guild is a strong union. the guild sets a wage and prevents anyone from working for less than that wage. the frangle monopoly must pay that wage but can hire as much labor as it chooses to.if the guild chooses a wage so as to maximize the total earnings (wage times number of units of labor hired) of frangle-makers, then:

the bauble industry is competitive with free entry. there is a fixed-coefficient technology. one unit of labor and one unit of plastic are required for each bauble. workers in the bauble industry must all belong to the bauble-makers union. the union sets the wage that will be paid to all bauble-makers. the price of plastic is 10 dollars per unit and the demand function for baubles is 1000-10p. long run equilibrium requires that the price of baubles equals the cost of production. the wage per unit of labor that maximizes total revenue of workers is:

a coal producer has a monopoly on coal. a different monopoly controls the railroad that takes the coal to market. each monopolist chooses prices to maximize its profits. if the coal monopolist buys the railroad then it will increase its profits by raising the market price of coal.

for a monopsonist, the more elastic the supply of labor, the greater the difference between the marginal cost of labor and the wage rate.

if a monopolist faces a competitive labor market, it will hire labor up to the point where the price of output times the marginal product of labor equals the wage rate

if a labor market is dominated by a monopolist, it is possible that the imposition of a minimum wage law could increase the amount of employment in that market.

a firm in a competitive industry takes account of the fact that the demand curve it confronts has a significant negative slope.

price equals marginal cost is a sufficient condition for profit maximization

a firm produces one output, using one input, with the production function f(x) = 2x1/3 where x is the amount of input. the cost function for this firm is proportional to the price of the input times the cube of the amount of output.

a competitive firm has a continuous marginal cost curve. it finds that as output increases, its marginal cost curve first rises, then falls, then rises again. if it wants to maximize profits, the firm should never produce at a positive output where price equals marginal cost and marginal cost decreases as output increases.

duopoly in which two identical firms are engaged in bertrand competition will not distort prices from their competitive levels.

a stackelberg leader will necessarily make at least as much profit as he would if he acted as a cournot oligopolist.

in the cournot model, each firm chooses its actions on the assumption that its rivals will react by changing their quantities in suchaway as to maximize their own profits.

competition among firms in an industry can lower prices and profits

monopoly always has constant elasticity demand.

a game has two players. each player has two possible strategies. one strategy is called “cooperate”, the other is called “defect”. each player writes on a piece of paper either a c for cooperate or a d for defect. if both players write c; they both get a payoff of $100. if both players defect they each get a payoff of 0. if one player cooperates and the other player defects, the cooperating player gets a payoff of s and the defecting player gets a payoff of t . to defect will be a dominant strategy for both players if:

big pig and little pig have two possible strategies, press the button, and wait at the trough. if both pigs choose wait, both get 2. if both pigs press the button then big pig gets 7 and little pig gets 3. if little pig presses the button and big pig waits at the trough, then big pig gets 10 and little pig gets 0. finally, if big pig presses the button and little pig waits, then big pig gets 6 and little pig gets 1. in nash equilibrium,

a situation where everyone is playing a dominant strategy must be a nash equilibrium.

in a nash equilibrium, everyone must be playing a dominant strategy

in the prisoners' dilemma game, if each prisoner believed that the other prisoner would deny the crime, then both would deny the crime.

a general has the two possible pure strategies, sending all of his troops by land or all of his troops by sea. an example of a mixed strategy is where he sends 1=4 of his troops by land and 3=4 of his troops by sea.

in nash equilibrium, each player is making an optimal choice for herself, given the choices of the other players

an allocation of the endowment that improves the welfare of all consumer is a pareto-improving allocation.

in a edgeworth box there are lot of allocations that are pareto-optimal.

an externality is a cost or a benefit imposed upon someone by actions taken by others.

an economic situation involves a production externality if one firm’s production possibility is affected by the choices of the other firms not the consumers’.

ronald coase’s insight is that most externality problems are due to an inadequate specification of property rights.

to say that preferences are single peaked means that everybody either prefers more public goods to less or everybody prefers less public goods to more.

if a pure public good is provided by voluntary contributions, economic theory predicts that in general too little will be supplied.

one of the problems with the clarke tax mechani is that when it is used, people have an incentive to lie about their preferences.

a all economy has only two consumers, ben and penelope. ben's utility function is u (x; y) = x 84y1/2 . penelope's utility function is u (x; y) = x 7y. atapareto optimal allocation in which both iniduals consume some of each good, how much y does ben consume?

