统计学产生于( )。 a、 b、 c、英国 d、德国
统计学产生于( )世纪。 a、15 b、16 c、17 d、18
在没有对事物人为控制的条件下而得到的有关社会经济现象的统计数据属于()。 a、观测数据 b、实验数据 c、截面数据 d、时间序列数据
交叉分组列表属于数据整理方法中的()。 a、图示法 b、汇总法 c、数值法 d、表格法
下列图示法中只适用于数值型数据的是() a、直方图 b、环形图 c、条形图 d、饼图
在对数值型数据分组之后,每一组的下限与上限之间的中点值,称为()。 a、平均数 b、组中值 c、期望 d、平均水平
统计数据图示法包括()。(多选题) a、条形图 b、饼图 c、直方图 d、累计图
统计数据整理的程序包括()。(多选题) a、审核原始数据 b、分组和汇总 c、做出统计图 d、设计整理汇总方案
频数频率分布表不属于数据整理方法中的()。 a、表格法 b、图示法 c、汇总法 d、数值法
下列对相关与独立关系描述正确的有()。 a、两个相互独立的随机变量一定不相关 b、不相关的两个随机变量一定相互独立 c、对正态分布来说,不相关不一定独立 d、对正态分布来说,独立不一定不相关
为了估计每分钟广告的平均费用,随机抽取16个电视台组成样本进行调查。调查结果样本的平均费用为2000元,标准差为1000元。假定所有被抽样的这类电视台的广告费用都近似服从正态分布,每分钟广告的平均费用的区间估计为()。(取置信水平为0.05) a、[1367,2533] b、[1467,2533] c、[1467,2933] d、[1367,2933]
因素的同一水平下样本数据的方差,叫做()。 a、随机误差 b、系统误差 c、组内方差 d、组间方差
下列描述正确的是( )。 a、组内方差只包含随机误差 b、组内方差既包括随机误差,又包括系统误差 c、组间方差只包含系统误差 d、组间方差既包括随机误差,又包括系统误差
方差分析的模型假设包括()。 a、每个水平为一个正态总体,即每个水平下的观察值都服从正态分布 b、各个总体的方差必须相同 c、同一水平下的观察值都相互独立 d、不同水平下的观测值都相互独立
下列对相关与独立关系描述不正确的有()。 a、两个相互独立的随机变量一定不相关 b、不相关的两个随机变量一定相互独立 c、对正态分布来说,不相关不一定独立 d、对正态分布来说,独立不一定不相关
2、在问卷调查中,()是在调查之前必须明确的。 a、调查目的 b、调查对象 c、调查项目 d、调查表
通过《统计年鉴》获得数据,属于哪种统计方法。 a、统计报表 b、重点调查 c、查阅统计数据 d、典型调查
统计调查方法包括() (a)普查 (b)抽样调查 (c)重点调查 (d)典型调查
查阅统计资料中的资料包括( )。 a、《统计年鉴》 b、《世界发展报告》 c、个人银行账目 d、google
下列统计调查方法中,能用来推断总体特征的有()。 a、普查 b、抽样调查 c、重点调查 d、查阅统计资料
原子发射光谱是由于_________ 而产生的。
zn原子在火焰温度下激发跃迁到亚稳态,再吸收334.5 nm 的光进一步激发,激发态原子辐射出334.5nm 的光,此种原子的荧光称为:
在uv-vis中,下列不属于影响吸收峰位置的内部因素是 。
案例分析题: 通过本学期刑法总论课的学习,对你来说是否有收获?请具体说明理由。
一个玩具制造商在全国5个地区生产玩具,原材料(主要是塑料粉桶)将从一个新中心仓库运出,而此仓库的地点还有待确定。运至各地的原材料数量相同,已建立一个坐标系统,各地的坐标位置如表所示,请确定仓库的坐标位置。 地点 a b c d e 坐标 (2,6) (3,5) (2,9) (6,3) (4,1)
the physiological importance of positive feedback control is
the mechani of the life could be disclosed intensively and clearly through the experiments at the level of
the capillary bed open as the metablites accumulate following the enhanced metablitic activity of local tissue. it is controlled by
which kind of molecules or ions could be transported across the membrane independent on the integral protein.
the correct description about homeostasis include:
the properties of the conditioned reflex include
which one below could act as humoral regulating factor in blood.
the properties of the humoral regulation include
the properties of the secondary active transport include
if the membrane potential is fixed from resting potential to -9 mv, which kind of membrane could be recorded
the depolarization phase of ap is attributed to
whether or not a stimulation could induce ap on the excitable membrane is determined by
the stimulation that could induce action potential should be
the voltage clamp could
the plaa membrane of neuron at resting state is permeable only to k .
the stimulation most used in physiological experiments is electrical stimulation.
the local current and local potential is the basis for the propagation of action potential on the membrane.
if ap was initiated at cell body on an afferent neuron, it will propagate to the axon ending.
thick filament is composed of
the properties of the signal tranission at nmj include
myosin head could bind with
thin filament is composed of
the voltage gated calcium channel is situated at the postsynatic membrane of nmj (end plate).
curarine is the agonist of ach receptor at the end plate of skeletal muscle.
both organophosphorus pesticide and sarin inhibit the ache (acetylcholinesterase)
the transverse tubule of the sarcolemma is belong to the intracellular membrane system.
which of the following contains blood with a relatively high oxygen content?
during isovolumetric contraction of the ventricles:
during the cardiac cycle,
when do the a-v valves close during the cardiac cycle?
which of the following events occurs at the end of the period of ventricular ejection?
cardiac output
which of the following events is associated with the first heart sound?
which part provides the greatest resistance to blood flow?
which of the following does not contribute to increased stroke volume during exercise?
the increase in heart rate caused by seeing a wild dog run after you is probably the result of the _____.
sympathetic stimulation of the heart normally causes which of the following conditions?
filariasis(丝虫病) causes edema by
which factor does not influence the venous return?
the arterial blood pressure:
which of the following is wrong about the gastrointestinal hormones?
which is not a gi hormone?
which one can inhibit the secretion of gastric juice?
the gastric receptive relaxation is through:
the functions of gastrin do not include:
which of the following descriptions about the gastric acid is wrong?
the substance that can stimulate gastric secreting is:
which can increase the digestion of protein?
factors that could not promote gastric emptying are:
which is true regarding the bile ?
pulmonary ventilation is
pulmonary gas exchange is the process of
internal respiration is
the driving force for the pulmonary gas change is
which one is correct about the pleural pressure
during quiet breathing, the pleural pressure
which one is correct about the physiological importance of alveolar surfactant?
the correct descriptions about respiration include
which one is correct about pulmonary pressure
the correct descriptions about alveolar surfactant include
which of the following events would not be expected to decrease glomerular filtration rate?
renin causes
a baby will suffer neonatal hemolytic anemia if the blood of
the red blood cells of a patient coagulate if it is incubated in the serum of type b blood, but the red blood cells from type b blood does not coagulate if it is incubated in the serum of this patient. the blood type of this patient is
which description is correct about thrombin?
the anticoagulants effect of sodium citrate is attributed to
the reasons why the blood does not coagulated in healthy vessels include
the process of hemostasis following the rupture of blood vessels include
the effects of platelet in the hemostasis include
the chemicals that could prevent blood coagulation include
the anticoagulant system in the blood is consist of
which description is correct about chemical synapse
which one is correct about the ap conduction velocity of nerve fiber
which part of the nervous reflex is fatigable.
which property could be destroyed by the local anesthetics procaine (普鲁卡因).
which of the following is not the chemical mediated signal tranission.
both afferent collateral inhibition and recurrent inhibition are
which ion is coupled with the release of neurotranitter?
the factors that influence the ap conduction velocity on nerve fiber include
which one is the phasic receptor?
which one is the result of the increase of the suspensory ligment tension.
cones is mainly located at
which of the following is the function of the ossicles in the middle ear?
if the pupil enlarge, the spherical aberration will , the colour aberration will .
in emmertropia, without accommodation, the principle focus behind the lens is located at a point
the correct description about the properties of receptor potential include
the refractive system of the eyes include
which description is correct about the α motor neuron in anterior horn of the spinal cord.
which description is right about the gama motor neuron in the anterior horn of the spinal cord
which description is correct about muscle tone.
excitation of γ motor neuron will induce
which description is correct about the deep tendon organ?
parkinson's disease is caused by destroying
chorea is caused by destroying
the evoked cortical potential is
theαwave is always recorded at in .
which description about α wave in eeg is right?
the brain electrical waves is the result of
which one is the special characteristic of physiological activities during rems.
the physiological importance of rems is
the predominant type of wave of eeg during silent, awake, and eye closure in is
the characteristics of sws is
the circadian is controlled by
rems is helpful for
which of the following hormone is amine?
which of the following description about hormone signal transduction is correct?
which of the following description is correct upon receptor upregulation?
the most important hormone that affects human nervous system growth is
which of the following thyroid hormone and related precursor has the most biological activity?
hormone transportation and delivery includes
which of the following regluates hypothalamic hormone secretion?
which of the following description about insulin-like growth factor(igf) is correct?
which of the following promotes growth hormone secretion?
which one is not the excitable cell?
simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion share which of the following characteristics?
which of the following statements about homeostasis is true ?
which of the following is a consequence of myelination in large nerve fibers?
excitation–contraction coupling in skeletal muscle involves all of the following events except one. which one is this exception?
which process is not involved in the hemostasis?
intrinsic pathway does not need factor
the second heart sound is heard
during the cardiac cycle of a normal healthy young :
the stroke volume is mainly regulated by
concerning the nervous regulation of the circulation:
which process of the following will not cause edema?
cells in the purkinje network are
the basic electrical rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract is originated from
which one is not a vasodilator?
which of the following statements about the enteric nervous system is true?
________ is where the majority of digestion takes place.
which of the following factors inhibits the gastric empting?
during sports, which organ is mainly responsible for heat production?
during inspiration,
which of the following is filtered most readily by the glomerular capillaries?
regarding chemical neurotranission, which of the following is appropriate?
which of the following description is not the properties of the receptor potentials?
the characters of referred pain is
when the eye accommodates for near vision, which one of the following is correct?
why does the cone system have high visual acuity?
which of the following description about cochlea is incorrect?
which of the following activities will increase the sensitivity of the stretch reflex?
neurological disease associated with the cerebellum produces which of the following types of symptoms?
which one of the following is not correct statements regarding fast wave sleep?
which of the following control of endocrine action is a positive feedback?
which of the following hormone secrets from adrenal cortex ?
the cause of the acromegaly is
which of the following description about islet hormones is correct?
which of the following description about cretini and dwarfi is incorrect?