
时间:2024-06-24 07:56:06













酿制的白酒是世界著名的( ),其特点是晶莹纯净、透明无色、无沉淀、回味无穷,有的品种有黏杯的特点,洒香馥郁纯净,并有溢香、留香之感。

拔出香摈酒瓶塞后,酒瓶应保持45°角,以防( )

开启工具用小刀的酒水是( )。

开启香槟酒时,要求左手( )瓶颈处,成45°角。

由于酿酒所用的原料不同,因而酿制的酒也各不相同,按酒的( ),大体可分为白酒、黄酒、啤酒、果酒、汽酒、配制酒六大类。

根据糖分区分,葡萄酒可分为:( )。








中餐摆台摆放骨碟时,碟与碟之间( )。

中餐的红、白酒杯的( )距离1cm。

在西餐中吃甜品,如蛋糕、冰激凌、水果应配用( )

西餐宴会台面上椒、盐瓶的摆放位置为( ),按左椒右盐对称摆放。

西餐摆放鱼叉时,鱼叉柄距桌边5 cm,( )。

西餐宴会摆台时,餐具的( )是以宴会的菜单内容为根据的。

西餐宴会的餐台布置一般使用( )、椭圆形台,人数多的情况下有时也采用圆桌的形式。








1.以下哪项不属于反射弧的环节( )

2.排尿反射是( )

3.可兴奋细胞兴奋时,共有的特征是产生( )

4. 衡量组织兴奋性高低的指标是 ( )

5. 平均动脉压在一定范围内波动时,肾血管可相应地收缩或舒张,属于 ( )

6. 在一般情况下,钠泵每活动一个周期可使( )

7. 肌肉的初长度取决于( )

8. o2与co2通过细胞膜的转运方式是( )

9.细胞膜内电位负值(绝对值)增大称为( )

10.引起兴奋的基本条件是使跨膜电位达到( )

11.细胞膜内、外na 和k 浓度差的形成和维持是由于( )

12.在骨骼肌兴奋收缩藕联过程中,起中介作用的主要物质是( )

13.物质在细胞膜特殊蛋白质,通过耗能的过程,逆电-化学梯度进行的跨膜转运属于( )

14. 静息电位的大小接近于( )

1.运动系统由 、 、 三部分组成。

2.细胞由 、 、 三部分组成。

3.生理学研究分为三个水平 、 、 。

4.生理功能调节的三种形式是 、 、 。

5.人体组织分为 、 、 、 。

6. 肌组织包括 、 、 三种。

1.下列关于血浆渗透压的叙述,错误的是( )

2.构成血浆胶体渗透压的主要成分是( )

3. 在0.7%nacl溶液中,健康人红细胞的形态将会( )

4.巨幼红细胞性贫血主要缺乏( )所致

5.生成红细胞的原料包括 ( )

6.若某人的血清中含抗a与抗b两种凝集素,其血型是( )

7.新生儿溶血性贫血可能发生在( )

8.通常血型是指( )

9. 50kg体重的健康人,其血量约为( )

10. 下列哪种凝血因子不属于蛋白质?( )

11.血型抗体主要是( )

12. 血液凝固的最后阶段是( )

13. 红细胞悬浮稳定性差容易发生( )

14.在异型输血中,严禁( )

15. 参与生理性止血的血细胞是( )

1. 正常血液为红色粘稠液体,由 和悬浮其中的 组成。

2. 血液中细胞成分主要有 、 和 。

3. 红细胞的生理特性包括 、 、 。

4. 红细胞的主要功能是运输 和 ,这两项功能都是通过红细胞中的 来实现的。

5. 白细胞可分为 类,其中数量最多的是 细胞,其主要功能是 。

1. 评价肺通气功能较好的指标是( )

2. 控制呼吸基本节律的中枢位于( )

3. 肺通气的直接动力是( )

4. 肺活量等于( )

5. 呼吸频率从12次/分增加到24次/分,潮气量从500ml减少到250ml,则( )

6. 氧解离曲线是指( )

7. 下列哪种情况氧解离曲线右移( )

8. 正常情况下肺通气的阻力主要来自于( )

9. o2在血液中运输的主要形式是( )

10. 在生理情况下,维持呼吸最有效的是( )

11. 下列关于消化道平滑肌生理特性的叙述,哪项是错误的( )

12. 胃酸的生理作用不包括:( )

13. 下列消化液中哪种不含有消化酶?( )

14. 胆汁中与脂肪消化密切相关的是( )

15. 有关胃的描述错误的是( )

16. 上消化道是( )

17. 吸收营养物质的主要部位在( )

1. 呼吸过程的三个环节是 、 、 。

2. 呼吸道包括 、 、 、 和支气管。

3. 消化系统由 、 两部分组成。

1. 机体主要能量来源是( )

2. 体内既是重要的储能物质又能直接供能的物质是( )

3. 机体主要的散热器官是( )

4. 对高热患者用冰袋或冰帽降温属于( )

5. 当环境温度等于或高于体温时,机体的散热方式是( )

6. 能使汗液分泌增加的是( )

7. 下列对能量代谢影响最为显著的因素( )

8. 食物的氧热价是指( )

9. 人体最主要的排泄器官是( )

10. 肾血流量能适应于泌尿机能,主要靠( )

11. 肾近球细胞的功能是( )

12. 肾的血液供应主要分布在( )

13. 肾小球滤过的动力是( )

14. 原尿的成分( )

15. 促使远曲小管和管重吸收na 和分泌k 的激素是( )

16. 正常人每昼夜尿量约为( )

17. 神经对肾血管的调节主要依靠( )

1. 尿生成的基本过程是 、 和 。

2. 泌尿系统由 、 、 、 四部分组成。

3. 肾的结构和功能单位为 ,由 和 两部分组成。

1. 心脏活动的正常起搏点是( )

2. 心室肌的后负荷是指 ( )

3. 心室肌细胞动作电位平台期是哪些离子跨膜流动的综合结果?( )

4. 心脏的工作细胞是( )

5. 影响正常舒张压的主要因素是( )

6. 关于减压反射,下列哪一项是错误的? ( )

7. 下列物质中,升压作用最强的是( )

8. 关于交感神经对心脏的作用,下列哪一项叙述是错误的? ( )

9. 二尖瓣位于( )

10. 心动周期中快速射血期瓣膜的特点是( )

11. 相对而言,对动脉血压影响不大的因素是( )

12.心室的前负荷可以用下列哪项间接表示( )

13. 期前收缩的出现是由于落在兴奋性变化的( )

14. starling机制与( )有关

15. 组织液的生成主要取决于( )

16. 射血分数指每搏输出量占( )的百分数

17. 一般情况下,收缩压的高低主要反映( )

1. 循环系统包括 系统和 系统,它们是体内整套密闭的连续管道系统。

2. 心内腔被分为 、 、 、 四个腔。

3. 心肌细胞具有 、 、 、 四种生理特性。

1. 神经元兴奋产生的部位是( )

2. 运动单位是指( )

3. 发生脊休克时,横断面以下的脊髓所支配的躯体会出现( )

4. 维持姿势的最基本反射是( )

5. 在中脑上下丘之间切断脑干的动物,将出现( )

6. 异相睡眠的主要特点有( )

7. 神经系统结构和功能的基本单位是( )

8. 脑干不包括( )

9. 关于细胞间兴奋的化学传递的特点的叙述,以下哪项是错误的( )

10. 幼年甲状腺功能低下,导致( )

11. 有关adh、催产素,错误的是( )

12. 大脑皮质第一体感区的功能特征不包括( )

13. 能使血糖降低的激素是( )

14. 向心性肥胖是由于( )

15. 甲状腺激素的生理作用是( )  

16. 成年人生长素分泌过多会导致( )

17. 因眼球前后径过长而导致眼的折光能力异常,称为( )

18.神经系统可分为中枢神经系统和 。中枢神经系统包括 和 。

19. 在周围神经系统,形态和功能相似的神经元胞体在一起形成的结构,称 。神经纤维聚合在一起形成 。

20. 肾上腺皮质分泌的激素有 、 、 。

紫外-可见光谱的产生是由外层价电子能级跃迁所致,其能级差的大小决定了 ( )

紫外光谱是带状光谱的原因是由于( )

跃迁的吸收峰在下列哪种溶剂中测量,其max最大 ( )。

化合物中,下面哪一种跃迁所需的能量最高( )

紫外光谱中几乎无吸收峰,可能是含有以下哪种化合物( )

单色器是将光源发射的复合光分解成单色光并可从中选出任一波长单色光的光学系统,常用的色散元件是光栅和 。

烷烃的紫外吸收光谱最大吸收波长一般处于 紫外区。(填写近或者远)

分子具有四种不同能级:平动能级, , 转动能级和电子能级。

有一些含有共轭π电子的基团,能吸收可见光,这样的基团称为 。

最大吸收波长向长波方向移动称为 。(填红移或蓝移)

n→π﹡跃迁产生的r带特点是:最大吸收波长在250nm ,吸收强度弱 。(填以上或以下)

摩尔吸光系数增大或吸收强度增大的现象称指 效应。(填增色或减色或红移或蓝移)

苯乙醛在2720cm-1左右的特征吸收峰,是因为( )产生的,可以用来区分醛和酮类化合物。

红外光谱测量时常用的窗片材料为( )

预测h2s分子的基频峰数为( )

下面四种气体,不吸收红外光的是( )

有一种含氮的药物,如用红外光谱判断它是否为伯胺时,主要依据的谱带范围为( )

某化合物红外光谱在3600-3200cm-1有一个很强的吸收峰,可能含有下列哪种基团( )

计算化合物c8h10o的不饱和度是( )

在醇类化合物中, o—h伸缩振动频率随溶液浓度的增加,向低波数方向位移的原因是( )

傅里叶变换红外分光光度计的色散元件是式( )

红外光谱是:( )

计算分子式为c6h6ncl的不饱和度是 。

比较c=c和c=o键的伸缩振动,谱带强度更大者是 。

醛、酸酐、酰胺类化合物的羰基吸收峰υ出现在1870cm-1至1540cm-1之间,它们的υ 从高到低排列顺序是: 。

下列哪种核不适宜核磁共振波谱测定( )

苯环上哪种取代基存在时,其芳环质子化学位移值最大( )

质子的化学位移有如下顺序:苯(7.27)>乙烯(5.25) >乙炔(1.80) >乙烷(0.80),其原因为( )

峰的裂分数反应的是相邻碳原子上的质子数,因此化合物brch2-chbr2中-ch2-基团应该表现为( )

处于高能级的核将其能量及时转移给周围分子骨架中的其它核,从而使自己返回到低能态称为( )

下列化合物按化学位移值的从大到小的顺序排列正确的是( )

i= 的原子呈核电荷均匀分布的球体,有磁矩,产生核磁共振吸收。

某组环境相同的氢核,与2个环境相同的氢核偶合,则被裂分为 重峰。

类似化学环境中,13c nmr谱中炔烃碳原子的化学位移比烯烃碳原子 。(填大或小)

由于氢核的化学环境不同而产生的谱线位移称为 。

测量化学位移时一般选择 作为相对标准。

在强磁场中,原子核发生能级分裂,当吸收外来电磁辐射时,将发生核能级的跃迁产生所谓的 现象。

某组环境相同的氢核,与3个环境相同的氢核偶合,则被裂分为4重峰,这就是所谓的 规律。

谱图库的质谱主要是采用下列哪种电离源得到的( )

双聚焦质量分析器的双聚焦指的是( )

当一个化合物中含有一个溴元素时,可以观察到它的质谱图中同位素离子峰,其中m:(m 2)是( )

下列几种化合物,分子离子峰最强的是( )

质谱中分析的主要是下列哪种物质( )

质谱图中将强度最大的峰,规定其相对强度是100%,称为( )

2-戊酮容易发生以下哪些裂解( )


基质辅助激光解吸和电喷雾电离适合 分子 的分析。(填有机、生物或无机)

羰基化合物的羰基旁存在时容易发生 。

由与非门构成的基本sr锁存器在= 、= 时,将使锁存器进入复位状态。

或非门组成的基本rs锁存器如图所示,若要求将输出置为1、置为0,则应选择( )。

由或非门构成的基本sr锁存器的约束条件为( )。

当时钟输入为低电平时,下降沿触发的触发器处于( )状态。

为将d触发器转换为t触发器,下图所示电路的虚框内应是( )。

图示电路中,能够实现 功能的电路是( )。

图示电路中,能够实现逻辑功能的电路是( )。

若jk触发器的现态为0,欲在cp作用后变为状态1,则j、k的值可以是( )。




若图示jk触发器的输入端为时,则在时钟cp为下降沿作用后,触发器的状态是 。

jk触发器的j= ,和k= ,可以实现rs触发器的逻辑功能。

当jk触发器的j和k都为 ,可以实现t’触发器的逻辑功能。

part i: choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. each of the words will be read once only.

part ii: the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same except for one word. you will hear either sentence (a) or (b). choose the one you hear.

part iii: the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

the following pairs of sentences are exactly the same, except a different word is stressed (stronger) in each sentence. choose the sentences you hear in each group.

part iv: listening comprehension: in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

in this section, you are going to listen to hear 10 sentences. please listen carefully and decide which of the sentences in the three choices is closest in meaning to the one you hear.

part ii. passage (shadowing and gist) directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. what does the speaker really describe in the speech?

irections: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. how do specialists comment on this study method?

directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. how effectively can the average person learn during sleep as in the same period during the day?

directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. what does sleep-teaching do?

directions: listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. what did the student have to do for another three hours before having breakfast?

part iii. news (shadowing and gist) a. directions: listen to the news item and complete the following summary. this news item is about .

directions: listen to the news item and choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. opposition parties are demanding after a violent protest over voting problems tuesday.

there were at least killed and injured during the voting.

people at more than 100 voting places .

show the ruling general people’s congress party in the lead.

part i (note-taking) directions: listen to a talk about light and health. take notes and complete the following summary. can light affect your health? many researchers believe that light can affect both your physical and your (1) .

from daylight, our bodies absorb vitamin d through the skin. certain skin diseases also (2) from exposure to sunlight.

light absorbed through the eye can stimulate hormone production, which in turn (3) our mood.

some people become (4) in winter, when the days are dark and most people spend less time in the open air.

when spring comes, these (5) disappear. researchers have called this condition sad -- seasonal affective depression.

the condition can be (6) by exposing patients to special lights, known as full-spectrum lights.

this lighting has also been used to treat patients (7) from jet-lag, to improve learning in school-children in russia and america,

and the (8) of japanese factory workers

young people need at least fifteen minutes a day in real daylight in summer (9) in winter.

old people, who risk vitamin d deficiency, should spend even longer exposed to (10) daylight.

corporate culture corporate culture is described as the (1) _____________ of an organization, and guides how employees think, act, and feel.

it includes core values and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior. it can be expressed in the company’s mission (2) _____________ and other communications,

in the architectural style or interior (3) _____________ of offices, and in the titles given to various employees. corporate culture affects you in many ways.

for instance: l the (4) __________ __________ per day, per week.

the (5) __________ __________, including employee interaction, competition degree, etc.

the (6) __________ __________, including the accepted styles of attire, etc.

the (7) __________ __________ you get, including cubicles, window offices, etc.

the (8) __________ __________ development.

onsite perks, such as break room, play room, etc. l the (9) __________ __________ outside the office.

(10) _____________ with other employers.

peak performances - moments when children (1) that's in them -

are the stuff of every parent's (2) .

and yet most of us have seen a report card or heard a trumpet solo that (3)

what our kids can (4) .

why can some boys and girls repeatedly pull themselves to the (5)

while others of equal or (6) cannot?

many parents assume skill is pretty much determined by (7)

the student with the highest i.q. will get the best grades, or the athlete with the most prowess will (8) .

genes (9) in determining performance, but they're not everything.

the edge comes from mental attitude, character and (10) .

there are some simple ways for parents to help their youngsters develop those (11)

find something to praise. a child who feels good about himself (12)

assess your child's (13)

encourage self-applause. knowing how to relax is key to (14) .

a good report card (15) near your daughter's mirror reminds

her that she can do well and (16) to repeat her success.

there are no (17) to bringing your child to do his best.

it's a (18) of support, encouragement and hard work.

and those efforts (19) not only in peak performance

not only in peak performance but also in (20) between parent and child.

news item from voa, bbc and cri part i directions: listen to the news item and complete the following passage. creating a classroom environment that treats women and men equally is important for the educational success of students. however ____1______ equality does not stop with the teacher.

it is also important that the ____2______ used are supporting _____3_____ treatment.

in fact, many classroom materials, especially those that are older, may contain gender bias in _____4_____, photos, or words.

these materials can include textbooks, _____5_____, reading materials, written assignments, or even test materials.

having students use materials like these in class can reinforce _____6_____ about gender roles in society.

classroom materials that reinforce gender stereotypes can ____7______ students,

weaken their motivation and limit their overall _____8_____ performance.

this can result in fewer opportunities available to students when they finish their schooling. research has found that stereotypes and gender bias in english language materials do _____9_____.

several studies by the united nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization, or unesco, have found that some texts ____10______ women, contain stereotypes about women or offensive comments about women.

in addition, research has found that _____11_____ in teaching materials

often show a male _____12_____.

one study on high school english language textbooks in iran found that male characterizations were used as much as _____13_____ of the time.

one study on high school english language textbooks in iran found that male characterizations were used as much as _____13_____ % of the time.(请填写数字)

the first step is to understand how to identify gender bias in textbooks. examine the image below. these images were taken from an english language textbook. what do you notice about how the men and women are being _____14_____?

in this image there are six people, four men and two women, shown in different jobs. the men pictured include a construction worker, a doctor, a police officer, and a truck driver. the women shown include a farm worker and a food store employee. this image shows men and women in _____15____ jobs in two ways.

first, male representation is double that of female. second, the men generally are working in higher-level, more economically powerful jobs. now look at a short reading activity from an actual english language textbook. what do you notice about the ________ of men and women in the example?

part ii directions: listen to the news item and complete the following passage. a new report says about ___1__ people

a day have been forced to __2__ their homes in african conflict

and __3__ zones.

figures show that more than __4__ people in africa are internally displaced. (请填文字)

nearly __5___left their homes last year.(请填文字)

part iii directions: listen to the news item and complete the following passage. britain's most prestigious ___1___art award,

the turner prize have been won by an art professor who was born in zanzibar, lubaina himid. judges __2___ her work

which explored the african diaspora and black ___3__.

professor himid is the first black woman and the oldest person to win the__4__.

part i listening to a song directions: listen and fill in the blanks with the missing information. although (1) __________ has always been a friend of mine.

i'm leaving my life in your (2) __________.

people say i'm (3) __________

and that i am (4) __________.

risking it (5) __________ in a glance. 

how you got me blind is still a (6) __________.

i can't get you out of my (7) __________

don't care what is written in your (8) __________.

as long as you're (9) __________ with me. i don't care who you are. where you're from. what you did.

why did mr. power ask mr. hanson to call later?

why should the report be photocopied in the morning?

why was mr. power especially displeased about miss davis’s call to her boyfriend?

what do you think of miss wright?

what can you learn from the dialogue?

(dialogue 2:6-10)why has laura come to the office?

who is miss davis?

when do people in the finance section start work?

what do you know about linda?

why does linda feel a little nervous today?

(dialogue 3:11-15) why did the woman come to complain to the manager?

what excuse did the manager make for the problems?

what did the manager promise to do?

what do you know abut the hotel?

what does the dialogue mainly tell us?

part ii passages directions: you're going to hear three short passages. each will be read twice. at the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. choose the best answer to each question. (2 points for each) passage 1 which of the following is true according to the passage?

which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

passage 2 (18-20)why did the artly dressed man come to the jewelry shop one day?

which of the following was of no importance to the man?

what did the old lady take to the jewelry shop?

how much did the shop lose in the deal?

passage 3 (22-25) which of the following is not necessary for a young man who wants to drive alone?

what must a person do in the driving test?

which of the following is mentioned in the passage?

what is this passage mainly about?

下列选项所示采用卡诺图化简逻辑函数式结果不是最简式的是 。

已知有4个逻辑变量,它们能组成的最小项的个数为 ,这4个逻辑变量的全部最小项相或,结果恒等于 。



分析如图所示电路的逻辑功能,正确答案为 。

如图所示电路,用与非门实现的逻辑函数式中有误的项是 。


如图所示电路中,与逻辑式y1=ab bc、y2=(a b)(a c)对应的逻辑图顺序是 。


组合逻辑电路是由 构成的。

试分析下图所示电路的逻辑功能,其输出逻辑函数表达式为 ,电路的逻辑功能是 。

逻辑电路如下图所示,当取s 和c 作为电路的输出时,此电路的逻辑功能是 。

某水仓装有大小两台水泵排水,如下图所示。试设计一个水泵启动、停止逻辑控制电路,设有3个水位传感器h、m、l,水位高于传感器为1,反之为0;水泵开动为“1”,停止为“0”。具体要求是:当水位在h 以上时,大小水泵同时开动;水位在h、m 之间时,只开大泵f2;水位在m、l 之间时,只开小泵f1;水位在l 以下时,停止排水。请写出该控制电路输出的最简与-或表达式为 和 。

下列可以唯一描述组合逻辑电路功能的方式是 。

采用触发器构成计数器。计数器的输入、输出波形如下图所示,试分析至少需要 个触发器。

逻辑电路如下图所示,假设电路初始状态q2q1q0=000。试分析:由ff1和ff0构成的是 进制计数器;以q2为高位,试分析整个电路为 进制计数器。

已知某同步时序逻辑电路的最简状态表包含的状态数为m,相应的触发器的个数为n,则m和n应满足 的关系。

时序逻辑电路根据输出信号的特点,分为 时序电路和 时序电路。

已知某时序电路的状态转换图如下图所示,试分析该电路的等价状态是 和 。

设计一个同步二进制计数器,控制信号为x,触发器输出为q1q0。要求:当x=0时,实现模m=4的加法计数功能;当x=1时,实现模m=3的加法计数功能。若选用jk触发器进行设计,则每个触发器的驱动方程为 。

时序逻辑电路在结构上必须包含 ,其输出不仅取决于当前时刻的输入,而且与 有关。

逻辑电路如下图所示,以q2为高位,试分析对该电路逻辑功能的正确描述是 。

逻辑电路如下图所示,以q2为高位,试分析当x=1时,该电路的逻辑功能是 。

逻辑电路如下图所示,以q3为高位,试分析对该电路逻辑功能的正确描述是 。

