
时间:2024-06-24 07:42:12


对于以太网物理层标准10base-f,其中10、base和f的涵义分别为( )。

初学者训练阶段,每周训练次数应为 。


一级运动员训练时应该着重发展 素质,改进技术,使专项成绩明显提高。

在面向字符或字节的帧中实现透明传输的技术是( )。


装配式板桥的横截面主要有( )和实心板。

三级和二级跳高运动员的负荷训练一般专项训练占 。

短跑比赛项目包括男、女100米、200米、400米,4×100米接力、4×400米接力,室内和少年比赛的距离有 米。












函数z=f(x,y)的两个二阶混合偏导数在区域d内连续是在该区域内这两个二阶混合偏导数相等的( )条件。




小麦倒伏一般发生在 时期。





下列连接中属于可拆的是( )。

v带传动中,带截面楔角为400,带轮的轮槽角应( )400。

对某一轴承来说,其所受的当量动载荷增大,额定动载荷( )。

标准代号gb的中文名称是( )。

第一章 物质的聚集状态 作业

第三章 化学反应速率和化学平衡作业

第五章 定量分析基础 作业

第六章_酸碱平衡与酸碱滴定分析法 作业

第七章 电化学与氧化还原滴定分析法 作业

1. q>ksp,有沉淀生成。

2. 溶度积越大,溶解度越大。

3. 溶解度与温度有关,溶度积与温度无关。

1.一种混合溶液中含有3.0×10-2 mol·l-1 pb2 和2.0×10-2 mol·l-1 cr3 ,若向其中逐滴加入浓naoh溶液(忽略溶液体积的变化),pb2 与cr3 均有可能形成氢氧化物沉淀。问: (1)哪种离子先被沉淀? (2)若要分离这两种离子,溶液的ph值应控制在什么范围?

n=2 l=? m=1 ms=-1/2

指出下列分子的杂化轨道类型和空间构型。 (1)h2o (2)ch4 (3)bf3

n=2 l=? m=1 ms=-1/2

指出下列分子的杂化轨道类型和空间构型。 (1)h2o (2)ch4 (3)bf3

1. 未知相对分子质量的胺试样,通过用苦味酸(相对分子质量229)处理后转化成苦味酸盐(1:1加成化合物)当波长为380 nm时大多数胺苦味酸盐在95 %乙醇中的吸光系数大致相同,即ε=104.13。现将0.0300 g苦味酸盐溶于95 %乙醇中,准确配制成1 l溶液,测得该溶液在380 nm,b =1 cm时,a = 0.800。试估算未知胺的相对分子量。



单支或多支合并的远程车流,对较短直达列车到达站的( ),是其在超行区段获得的无改编通过技术站的车小时节省大于或等于在始发站集结的车小时消耗。



( )统称为技术站。

水稻的拔节、抽穗是( )活动的结果




in multi-cultural communication, physical differences sometimes might result in stereotyping, prejudice or even discrimination.

noise is inevitable in human communication but we can eliminate it completely.

culture is innate as soon as a person is born.

effective communication should be interactive and transactional.

westerners emphasize the instrumental function of communication. therefore, westerners are generally more courteous and indirect in their mode of communication.

the process of communication has 10 components: sender, encoding, message,channel, receiver, decoding, response, feedback, noise and context.

in modern countries, our experience of culture has been profoundly affected by the development of mass media.

culture is compared as the “ hardware of our mind”, regulating and governing people’s behaviors.

four elements affect the quality of intercultural communication. they are conception ,verbal process, nonverbal process and contextual elements.

nervousness about a public speech is psychological noise in a communication process.

6.values are only tranitted by family members and usually passed down from generation to generation.

7. the belief that human nature is basically evil can be traced back to the teachings of christianity.

8. the orientation of man's mastery over nature is characteristic of the western approach.

9. the united states and mexico are typical future-oriented societies.

10. in social relationships that stress group values, people usually seek suggestions from their friends, family members and colleagues.

1. muslims do not eat pork, which is an example of ______values.

2. in china, as in other asian societies, humans are believed to be born _______but corruptible.

3. people who believe that man is ______nature worship the natural world as god and tend to accept their fate.

4. in past-oriented societies, people usually attach great importance to history and ______.

5. the __________cultures stress the idea of development and growth of self.

1. children raised in high power-distance cultures are expected to obey their parents and comply with the requests of their teachers.

2. to avoid hazards, there is a strong need for written rules, regulations and laws in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance.

3. in inidual classrooms, harmony and cooperation in learning are stressed instead of competition.

4. societies with higher masculinity scores tend to enjoy more flexible sex roles and equality between sexes.

5. in low uncertainty avoidance countries, teachers are not viewed as all-knowing and the learning is open-minded with less focus on facts.

6. members in high ________ cultures have a lower tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.

7. iniduals from high ________ cultures accept power as part of society. as a result, superiors consider their subordinates to be different from themselves.

8. in ________cultures, the inidual is emotionally dependent on organizations.

9. in ________ cultures, people solve their conflicts through some peaceful measures, like discussions and negotiations.

10. ________ cultures emphasize personal rights, responsibilities, privacy, one’s own opinions and innovation.

in high context culture people have a hard time saying no

in high context culture the message is more important than the status of who communicated it.

in low context culture it is alright to say “i disagree” to your professor in class.

“i don’t understand” is often used to voice disagreement in low context culture.

paying attention to the status of the communicator is as important as the message itself in low context culture.

in low context culture business is conducted only after enough time is taken for talking about family, health, important politics, etc.

in high context culture the use of intermediaries or go-betweens is common.

in low context culture people get down to business right away and often omit any “all” talk.

in high context culture if you want something, it’s best to come out and ask for it.

in low context culture hinting at something is an effective way of getting what you want.

if we all speak the same language, we can communicate happily with each other.

language and culture are closely related.

every word has a cultural connotation.

our social norms are determined and will never change.

people in some arabic countries use a lot of adjectives in their communications.

americans often communicate in a matter-of-fact way.

ranks in the armed forces like captain, colonel can be used as titles.

chinese hospitality toward the westerners is always greatly appreciated.

red is considered a festival color all over the world.

addressing forms like “miss mary”, “brown” by the chinese may be a form of cultural compromise.

nonverbal communication plays just a minor role in a typical communication process.

illustrators can be used independently of verbal messages.

monochronic time cultures attach more importance to schedules than to relationships.

future-oriented cultures tend to show a great deal of respect for elders.

even after you have put a marker for a piece of public territory, it is still subject to disagreement or invasion.

gestures have universal meaning because different cultures use them in the same way.

present-oriented people put their life in the hands of unseen forces such as fate or luck.

proxemics refers to how people use, structure, interpret and understand time.

americans are more polychronic than chinese.

arabs, with their strong religious influence, maintain greater personal distance than americans.

in the 2nd stage of cultural shock, intercultural travelers may have a better feeling of their communication competence.

travelers will not have cultural shock when travelling within the same country.

greek people put greece at the center of their maps, which is a sign of ethnocentri.

american people are more open to strangers, and the germans are more prudent…… that’s always the truth.

a citizen born in china will naturally identify him/herself as chinese

when moving to another country, most people will happily become part of the new culture.

once stricken by the cultural shock, one can hardly recover.

cultural shock will cause many symptoms, but not include stomachs and headaches.

a all number of cross-cultural travelers may choose to cut connections with his/her home culture and stay away from the host culture as well.

it’s proper to discuss erotic movies with japanese people, since they are very interested and produced many such movies.

american counterparts will insist on using first names almost immediately, which is a sign of familiarity.

since education is an important social context, online learning is a primary vehicle for teaching and learning cultural values.

generally speaking, students in eastern culture prefer to assist each other in finishing their assignment.

to maintain harmony and save face, indirect communication style prevails in chinese business.

it’s advisable to avoid eye contact in a conversation with an american businesan as direct eye contact is considered as a sign of challenge.

chinese have a tendency to like periods of silence during negotiations and in conversations in general.

teachers from hierarchy culture don’t necessarily maintain students’ face as they are regarded as the authority in class.

gift giving is often discouraged or limited by many us companies and therefore most employees are unable to accept them.

with the influence of iniduali, western students are intrinsically motivated to learn.

chinese businesen tend to restrain their emotion and discard loud behaviors.

_____ may be appropriate gift given to the western business partners.

japanese businesen regard business card as ____

____ is an important part of japanese business etiquette.

iniduali is characterized by ______.

in cultures of high power distance, people ______.

which of the following statements in not the feature in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance index?

which one is correct among all the sentences below?

which is considered high-context culture among all the actions below?

which is considered low-context culture among all the actions below?

culture refers to the total way of living of particular groups of people. it includes everything that a group of people think, say, do, and make. in the following statements, which one is cultural?

the american philosopher thoreau once wrote, “ all the past is here.” as for culture, what does that mean?

the dialogues between leaders that represent the communication between countries in apec or in g20 summit will be considered as:

which of the following kinesic behaviors may be more culture-specific?

time can be defined in the following ways except _______.

past-oriented cultures show less concern and respect for ________.

in the united state, while inviting guests over for dinner, what do the hosts usually do?

which of the following english sayings does not have a similar connotation in chinese language?

which of the following cultural group is likely to use a personal communication style instead of a contextual communication style?

______________ is the first stage of the culture shock where everything is new and exciting.

_______________refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group.

mr. zhang, a chinese immigrant in the u.s, has adapted himself to american culture and gradually lost his chinese cultural identity. this process is called_____________

which of the following is the most typical being-in-becoming culture?

which statement about values is incorrect?

dominance, harmony, and subjection are all value orientations that correspondto which of the following cultural problems?

there’re two mainly two kinds of education styles which are _____.

which of the following statements are true when chinese businesen intend to show their disagreement?

when facing conflicts, american businesen would_____.

in low power distance cultures, ________.

what are the characteristics in masculine cultures?

people tend to ________ in inidualist cultures.

which cultures below are usually considered high-context culture countries?

which cultures below are usually considered low-context culture countries?

which situations below are considered high-context culture?

culture is compared to an iceberg. just as an iceberg has a visible section above the waterline and a larger invisible section below the waterline, so culture has some aspects that are observable and others that can only be suspected, imaged and intuited. among the following features of culture, which ones are considered observable?

despite the fact that we all understand communication differently, some characteristics of communication are common to all human beings. which ones are true among the following statements?

because of different cultures people have different customs and behaviors. in the following statements, which ones are not popular in chinese culture?

which of the following statements about nonverbal communications are true?

so far as intercultural communication is concerned, it is likely that ___________.

which of the following may be typical of polychromic cultures?

in______ it is common for someone to call his or her mother-in-law by her first name.

how do young people in america likely to greet others?

which of the following statements about verbal styles are true?

which of the following questions would offend speakers of english?

in china, if a tibetan communicates with a han, it is _____.

while the highest goal of communication in the eastern culture is to achieve ____________, the highest goal of communication in the west is to achieve the practical cooperation from others.

which two great philosophers influenced chinese's belief that people are believed to be born good but may become corrupt?

which of the two exemplify men's mastery over nature?

which of the following statements are true concerning social relationship?

women usually place their greatest workplace values on status and power.

people in past-oriented cultures respect old people and place high value on history and experiences.

misinterpretations do result every time members from two cultures communicate.

ethnocentri is usually learned at the conscious level.

cultural breakdowns, setbacks or conflicts result from misinterpretations, ethnocentri, and stereotype as a result of racial biases.

“fox” in both eastern and western culture has the same connotation.

the elaborate style, which involves the use of rich, expressive language is often used by japanese people.

once we have mastered a foreign language, we can communicate with its native speakers freely with no barriers.

private territories are more formally marked and thus bear more validity.

relationships exert such a minor influence on personal space that they may well be neglected.

formal time systems refer to the precise, scientific measurement of time units such as light years or microseconds.

in multi-cultural communication, physical differences sometimes might result into stereotyping, prejudice or even discrimination.

culture is innate as soon as a person is born.

westerners emphasize the instrumental function of communication. therefore, westerners are generally more courteous and indirect in their mode of communication.

in low context culture it is alright to say “i disagree” to your professor in class.

paying attention to the status of the communicator is as important as the message itself in low context culture.

in low context culture business is conducted only after enough time is taken for talking about family, health, important politics, etc.

in inidualist cultures, people usually speak their minds and tell the truth openly and directly.

in feminine cultures,the gender wage gap is larger and fewer women are at management status.

in low-uncertainty avoidance cultures, people tend to accept and welcome different and unusual ideas and try new things.

building company as oppose to personal relationships is valued higher in american business culture.

chinese have a tendency to like periods of silence during negotiations and in conversations in general.

the desire to debate issues directly and openly leads american businesen to be seen by some cultures as aggressive and even rude.

from the view of intercultural communication, three contexts might occur frequently and be influenced most by cultural differences,which are business, health care and ______.

_____is a kind of settings intertwined with a lot of cultural exchanges in business, such as a collaborative business venture.

culture affects all areas of business communications including both_____ and _____ ones.

in ______ cultures, people are born into extended families that support and protect them in exchange for their loyalty.

people from high ______ cultures tend to see same-sex relationships as more intimate than opposite-sex relationships.

members in the culture of high ______ have a lower tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.

in ________, information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence.

in ________, the verbal message contains most of the information and very little is shown in the context or the participants.

the american anthropologist edward t. hall offers us an effective means of examining cultural similarities and differences in both perception and communication. he defines ________ as “ the information that surrounds an event; it is inextricably bound up with the meaning of the event.”

the process of communication has 10 components: sender, encoding, message, channel, receiver, decoding, response, ________, noise and context.

culture is compared as the “_______of our mind”, regulating and governing people’s behaviors.

four elements affect the quality of intercultural communication. they are _____, verbal process, nonverbal process and contextual elements.

in many english-speaking countries, it is common for people address each other by using their _______ name.

when we use a word, sometimes we use its literal meaning or basic meaning. that is called the ______ of words

maps drawn by different countries put their country at the center of the map. this could be interpreted as a symbol of _____________

the four strategies of cultural adaptation include acculturation, separation and segregation, integration and _________________.

usually ethnocentri may cause many negative effects, while we have to admit that it may also have ______________ effects in some cases.

valuesthat are common to all human beings are ________values.

in being cultures, social status and________are more important than what a person does.

in ________ -oriented cultures, people tend to look forward in thought or action and emphasize what is to come.

the kinesic behavior of pointing index fingers while giving directions is called a(n) _______.

the kinesic behavior of avoiding eye-contact with teachers during the question session is called a(n) _________.

the kinesic behavior of unconsciously scratching an itch is called a(n) _______.

