1. (single choice) which of the following is not a characteristic of bacteria?
2. (single choice) what is the first step involved in bacterial pathogenesis?
3. (single choice) which of the following is not a characteristic of a virus?
(single choice) for hepatitis a and e, the isolation period is ______ after onset of disease.
(single choice) the hepatitis b virus is a type of:
(single choice) the objectives for the treatment of hepatitis c is:
(single choice) which species of influenza viruses can often cause an influenza pandemic?
(single choice) which of the following is an anti-influenza virus drug?
(single choice) the main target cells of hiv are:
(single choice) which of the following does not tranit hiv?
(single choice) the area with the most severe hiv epidemic is:
(single choice) in china, when should children get their first dose of measles?
(single choice) the pathogen that causes hfmd is:
(single choice) infectious mononucleosis is typically caused by what?
(single choice) what is the clinical manifestation of infectious mononucleosis?
(single choice) the pathogen that causes epidemic hemorrhagic fever is a:
(single choice) the main route of rabies tranission is:
(single choice) the classic presentation of rabies is:
(multiple choices) the tranission route of hfmd is:
(multiple choices) ________ are high-risk groups for rabies.
the peak season for hfmd in china is from april to july.
ebv is self-limiting.
ebv does have specific antiviral medications.
rats infected with a virus can pass the virus through their urine, feces and other secretions.
(single choice) which of the following drugs is not a first line antituberculosis drug?
(single choice) which of the following tests is useful for the diagnosis of tuberculosis?
which of the following is not included in the treatment of toxic bacillary dysentery?
(single choice) which of the following statements about vibrio cholerae is true?
(single choice) typhoid patients after treatment can obtain:
the highest rate of positive blood culture in typhoid patients is during the first day to the fourteenth day of this disease.
(single choice) which of the following two plaodium species have a dormant stage in the human liver?
(single choice) which of the following act drugs is not a drug recommended by who for the treatment of mild malaria?
(single choice) which season is acute schistosomiasis most likely to occur?
(single choice) which of the following is not a clinical manifestation of acute schistosomiasis?
(single choice) what is the pathogen responsible for amoebiasis?
(single choice) a classic symptom of amoebiasis is:
(single choice) intestinal complications of amoeba do not include:
(single choice) the most common complication of intestinal amoeba is:
which of the following antifungal drugs is not suitable for treating cryptococcosis?
(single choice) which type of population is most susceptible to cryptococcosis?
(single choice) which of the following description about fever is incorrect?
(single choice) endogenous pyrogens act on:
(single choice) the causes of noninfectious fever do not include:
(single choice) a 48-year-old female presents with an irregular fever for 4 weeks, highest reaching 38.2 ℃, has a normal body temperature in the mornings, is diagnosed with persistent low-grade fever. the most common cause of this disease is:
(single choice) which of the following is a central nervous system infection?
(single choice) which of the following diagnostic method is used for central nervous system infection?
(single choice) which of the following is not used to treat central nervous system infections?
(single choice) which of the following diseases may not show symptoms until 6 weeks after returning from a trip:
which of the following is a mechani of transfer for drug resistance genes?
what is the first step involved in bacterial pathogenesis?
which of the following is not a main clinical manifestation of acute viral hepatitis?
the hepatitis b virus is a:
which of the following is not an antiviral agent for chronic hepatitis b?
the mainstay in diagnosing hepatitis c is:
the objectives for the treatment of hepatitis c is:
high-risk populations for hiv infection do not include:
___________ is/are the gold standard used to diagnosis hiv infection.
the predominate route of tranission of polio is
the three classic symptoms of an ebv infection are:
the organ most easily damaged by ehf is:
secondary infection is most likely to occur in which phase of epidemic hemorrhagic fever?
which of the following animals is not the main source of the rabies infection?
which type of influenza virus does the avian influenza virus belong to?
the host cells attacked by mycobacterium tuberculosis after infection are:
the rabies virus can be detected in the following areas, except:
the systemic symptoms of active tuberculosis can present as:
multidrug-resistant tb refers a resistance to:
the typical clinical manifestations of cholera is:
the main treatment measure for cholera is:
which of the following organ function evaluation is not an item in the sofa score for the diagnosis of sepsis?
the principles of infection control for bloodstream infections or sepsis include:
which type of population is most susceptible to cryptococcosis?
diagnosing acute schistosomiasis is based on:
the three necessary conditions for the tranission of schistosomiasis are:
intestinal complications of amoeba do not include:
the most common complication of intestinal amoeba is:
what are the signs of meningeal irritation?
which treatment for central nervous system infection is wrong?
which of the following is not an important piece of information for the patient history of febrile patients who just returned after traveling?
which of the following description is about fever is incorrect?