1.100d=( )b=( )h
1.-100d和 100d的原码和补码分别为( )
2. -127d的原码和补码分别为ffh和81h
1.把外部存储器划出一部分区域当作内存使用,由操作系统一管理和调度的为( )技术
1.cpu、存储器、i/o接口的作用分别为( )
1.标志寄存器中cf=1表示( )
2.在通信中检查传输数据奇数还是偶数个1的标志位为( )
3.有符号八位二进制数相加超过-128~127时( )
4.中断标志和单步标志分别为( )
1.x86系统,下列说法不正确的是( )
1.假设(10000h)=12h、(10001h)=34h、(10002h)=56h,则(10001h)中的字为( )
2.x86实模式下1mb存储器的存储单元进行分段管理,下列说法错误的是( )
1.已知 (ds)=2000h,数据段容量为64kb,则数据段首地址和末地址物理地址分别为20000h,2ffffh
1.x86系统中下列说确的是( )
2.80486中4个存储体数据总线一个字从d0~d15传送,则、、、=( )
3.微机系统与其他设备间的连接的总线为( )
设8259的端口地址为80h和81h,阅读下面代码,说明其功能 mov al, 0ah out 80h,al in al, 80h
对单片8259进行初始化,如果要求对应的中断类型号为 248-255,那么icw2应设置为____
21st-century maritime silk road refers to the maritime trade routes connecting asia with the middle east, africa and ( ).
sri lanka is the ( ) country to express its support for the belt and road initiative in the form of the government statement.
which city in france was the west end of the ancient silk road?
in ( ), sino-indonesia overall strategic partnership was established.
which items are included in the definition of culture in this course ?
what are the four priorities of the cpec?
in what fields have china and kenya had productive cooperation?
intercultural communication only refers to the communication between native speakers and non-native speakers.
morocco, the gateway for both europeans and africans, is located in northeast of africa.
communication is a social activity wherein people use tools to tranit information and ( ) in order to achieve specific purposes.
indonesia is the ( ) most populous country in the world.
traditional indonesian houses were often built on ( ), aiding the protection from local flooding.
indonesians are rated highly as the most ( ) people in the world.
( ) is the national language of indonesia.
selamat siang means ( ).
the five principles of indonesia are :belief in the one true go, just and civilized humanity,the unity of indonesia, ( ) and ( ).
bapak is used to address a young person in indonesia.
core values are the fundamental ( ) of a person or organization.
there is no ( ) for padang food.
a socially refined indonesian would use ( ) to avoid directly saying "no".
ceylon black tea originated from ( ) in the year of 1824.
buddhi and tea culture in sri lanka share the same centrality—enjoyment of ( )
which holiday is grandly celebrated by both sinhalese and tamil people in sri lanka?
it is expected that everyone will ( ) before serving food and eating a meal.
( ) are thought to be the dirtiest and most impure part of the body in sri lanka.
in sri lanka, which activities are included in the tea touri?
the official languages of sri lanka include ( )
the main feature of sri lankan cuisine is rice with curries.
the literacy rate in sri lanka is the lowest in south asia.
in sri lanka, many buddhists keep away from consuming beef as food.
what is the most popular sport among pakistanis youths?
what is the appropriate cue to your pakistani host when you have already finished your meal?
what is the national language of pakistan?
what are included in pakistanis' extended family system?
what is a proper gift for a pakistani host?
the cultural and religious changes over the centuries have made pakistanis resilient and adaptable.
curried food, meat and tea are popular food throughout the country.
your are advised to arrive fifteen minutes earlier than the stipulated time when invited to a pakistanis family.
pakistanis seem very direct when speaking english because of the influences of their mother tongues.
around the six century bc, the world's oldest university was founded at ( )
which safari is regarded as the most popular one in kenya?
ugali is made of ______________.
when meeting a friend, kenyans will____________.
who gives the final verdict to solve the dispute in a baraza?
in what fields have china and kenya had productive cooperation?
kenyans' favorite topics for conversations relate to___________.
mombasa carnival celebrates the tradition and harvest season.
dancing is really a traditional sport in kenya.
most kenyans speak three languages: english, swahili and tribal language.
the word "kenya" means ( )
what does the word “salaam” used for in morocco?
what does the gesture of creating a circle with the thumb and index finger mean in morocco?
if you want to have a business meeting with moroccans, you’d better make it in the ( ).
which of the following countries have both atlantic and mediterranean coastlines?
morocco is located in southern africa.
casablanca is a metropolis in morocco.
( ) is the capital city of morocco.
morocco has the most ( ) climate among all african countries.
moroccans use ( ) to pick up food from the dish.
when moroccan mothers say “kul” to the guests, it means “( )”.
what does “joyeux noel” mean in french?
what are the elements of verbal communication?
what are the elements of nonverbal communication?
france is the first country to establish diplomatic ties with china.
french people don’t like to ile to strangers.
you’d better arrive ten minutes earlier when you are invited to have dinner at your french friend’s house.
when you receive a gift from your french friend, you should open it to show your appreciation.
french children will be criticized of losing manners if they make noises during eating.
french people have a ( ) relationships with english.
in terms of communication, people in ________tend to be the most direct among the six countries.
in______, buddhi is the most common religion
the core values of a nation are primarily affected by its __________.
which of the following is included in non-verbal communication?
in the early twentieth century, the british people defined nairobi as the capital of kenya.
“bonjour, monsieur” means “good morning” in french.
“salaam aleikum” is an arabic way of greeting, which means “ ”
collectivi is a basic cultural element that exists as the opposite of “ ” .
( ) communication is the use of auditory language to exchange information with other people. it includes sounds, words, or speaking.
( ) values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. such values of a nation are primarily affected by its geography, population, history, and religions.
—— is the first writing language in united nations. more than 200 million people in the world speak it.
in kenya, _____ are more extensively applied colors in urban areas.
what topics are generally safe when talking with a moroccan>
what is a baraza like in kenya?
mombasa carnival, held every november, is the most popular festival in kenya which celebrates independence.
morocco is the only nation to have both atlantic and mediterranean coastlines.
"joyeux noel" means________ in french.
when moroccan mothers say "kul" to the guests, it means "_____________".
论述题:请根据跨文化交际理论中“verbal communication & nonverbal communication”的定义分析课程中六个的异同。
____ va à paris.
nous _____ bien.
constant et camille ______ à la fac.
où ____-ils ?
--je vais bien, et toi ? --______ aussi, merci.
constant et moi ________ à paris.
下列音标和单词对应吗? [gi] guy
下列音标和单词对应吗? [vu] fou
下列音标和单词对应吗? [pys] puce
constant et camille sont ______.
le livre est très _______.
est-ce que c’est un cadeau pour ______ ?
----qu’est-ce que c’est ? ----c’est ________.
---comment allez-vous ? ---je ______ bien.
ce ne ______ pas des livres.
下列音标和单词对应吗? [lə] les
下列音标和单词对应吗? [gaɲ] gagne
和下列音标对应的单词正确吗? [brœ̃] brin
和下列音标对应的单词正确吗? [fɛ̃] fine
和下列音标对应的单词正确吗? [nɥi] nuit
和下列音标对应的单词正确吗? [wi] oui
和下列音标对应的单词正确吗? [fi:j] fil
tu t’appelles comment ? ______ camille.
vous ______ à paris ?
qu’est-ce que vous faites ?
c’est ______.
下面的复数形式正确吗? un bureau--- des bureaux
下面的复数形式正确吗? un étudiant---des étudiant
下面的复数形式正确吗? un journal---des journaux
下面的复数形式正确吗? un anglais---des anglais
c'est un professeur _____ français.
voilà (那是,那儿有) les livres _____ professeurs.
ils _____ dix-huit livres.
pascal ____ quatorze ans.
选择合适的音标 ça
选择合适的音标 scène
选择合适的音标 cela
选择合适的音标 foyer
选择合适的音标 examen
je vais _____ supermarché.
pierre travaille (工作) ______ bibliothèque.
je (j') _____ vingt ans.
________ heure est-il?
je travaille _________ valéo.
j’aime _________ sport.
--quel ________ as-tu ? --j’ai vingt et ________ ans.
选出正确表示方法 45,25
选出正确的数字 五百 三百五十
---________ vient-elle? ---elle vient de la bibliothèque.
---________ sommes-nous? ---nous sommes le 8.
---________ sommes-nous? ---nous sommes vendredi.
nous ________ des amis ________ nous.
tu ______ le numéro de léo?
他的号码是 06 25 60 84 15。
________ viens de paris pour ________ une démonstration.
---est-ce que ce sont des étudiants? ---___________________________________.
--y a-t-il une fête chez toi? --non, ____________________.
le rendez-vous(约会) est ______ neuf heures ______ soir.
________ couleurs avez-vous?
---________ livres y a-t-il dans votre classe? --- il y a 30 livres dans notre classe.
---prends-tu ce t-shirt? ---_____________________.
判断正误:我不喜欢你。 je ne t'aime pas.
la mère de ma mère est ma ________.
pouvez-vous me ________ ________ coordonnées?
les numéros sont ________.
je voudrais une table ________ terrasse.
elle m'appelle sophie.
--ça vous va, monsieur? -- oui, ça ________ va très bien.
je __________ mon ami charles.
quelle date sommes-nous?
________ ingénieur parle anglais.
j'aime bien ________ chanson française.
si tu ______ le temps, nous ______ un café.
le numéro de téléphone est ______ ______ la serveuse.
constant voudrait une table ______ terrasse.
je prends __________ thé tous les matins.
il veut________ eau minérale au restaurant.
_________ tarte __________ pommes
翻译:我不喝酒。 (葡萄酒:vin n.m.)
je n'aime pas __________ poisson, je ne prends pas ________ poisson.
qu'est-ce que vous ___________ comme entrée?
________ garçon et ________ fille sont mes amis.
翻译:le dessert du jour
qu'est-ce que je vous sers? 这里vous做的是什么代词?
on ________ au cinéma ________ après-midi?
翻译: 劳驾,买单!
---qu'est-ce que vous voulez comme boisson?
tu as un plan pour ________ week-end?
je voudrais ________ accompagner au cinéma.
---que fait-on dans un restaurant? ---on ________ mange(v. 吃饭).
--tu vas à la mer en juillet ou en août? ---je (j')________ vais ________ août.
---est-elle dans la cusine? ---non, elle __________.
en quelle région est-ce que la fondation monet se situe ? 莫奈花园位于哪个大区?
je voudrais aller au cinéma, ________-tu ________ accompagner?
下面哪副作品不是claude monet的作品?
---comment allez-vous à la gare? ---j'y vais ________ voiture.
rendez-vous samedi matin ______ 10 heures à la gare!
claude monet 莫奈是法国印象派画家。
vous ________ ________ lever à sept heures du matin. (se lever 起床)
les étudiantes doivent être ________.
j'ai ________ courage, mais je n'ai pas ________ courage de contredire(反驳) mon père.
quand on ________, on ________.
---va-t-il faire beau selon la météo? ---non, _____________________________.
j'aimerais ______ baigner et bouquiner.
j'aime __________ la télé.
tu fais le pont du premeir mai? 这句话中,faire le pont是什么意思?
elle est _________ chine __________ faire un échange.
il va passer ses vacances __________ la mer.
__________ les photos, s'il te plaît!
il fait beau aujourd'hui, tu __________?
--pouvez-vous répondre au professeur? --oui, je peux ________ répondre.
je fais ________ natation.
nathalie joue ________ piano, sophie joue ________ basketball.
je vais au supermarché ________ les jours.
je voudrais un t-shirt __________.
---tu viens de france? ---oui, _______________.
constant et moi __________ à la gare.
---elle va souvent à paris? ---oui, elle __________ va souvent.
le directeur __________ d'arriver.
je peux vous aider, mademoiselle? 这里vous是什么代词?
je suis ________ ingénieur.
vous êtes __________(准备好的), mesdames?
________ à la boutique!
notre ami réserve une chambre dans ________ hôtel.
nous sommes le __________ mai, c'est la fête du travail.
il va faire beau __________ la météo.
septembre est le ________ mois de l'année.
je n'aime pas ________ café, je voudrais ________ thé.
on __________ se lever à 7 heures.
le professeur d'________ arrive ce __________.
il va vous recevoir(接待) à dix heures __________.
voici deux __________ de train pour vernon.
votre numéro de téléphone est bien __________.
--__________ ça coûte? --ça coûte dix euros trente.
---tu prends le vélo? ---non, je ne ______ prends pas.
__________ sommes-nous? nous sommes mercredi.
je fais du piano trois fois ________ semaine.
pouvez-vous répondre ________ ces questions?
nous __________ de la natation.
c'est une ________ fille.
constant est __________.
j'adore __________.
il fait un stage ________ valéo(法雷奥汽车公司).
voici __________ photo.
the general process of gathering, organizing, summarizing, yzing, and interpreting data to assist in making effective decisions is called:
a sample is:
the main purpose of inferential statistics is to:
to study the characteristics of loan applicants, a random sample of 50 loan applicants is selected and their annual incomes are obtained. which level of measurement is annual income?
the main purpose of descriptive statistics is to:
a bank asks customers to evaluate the quality of drive-through service as good, average, or poor. which level of measurement is used to measure service quality?
the main purpose of descriptive statistics is to:
gallup political polls ask people their political party affiliation - democrat, republican or independent. which level of measurement is used to measure party affiliation?
what type of variable is: number of car accidents reported in your city?
data measured with an ordinal scale:
in a frequency distribution the classes must:
for a frequency distribution, the class interval is:
for a frequency distribution, a class frequency is:
for a frequency distribution, the class midpoint is:
which of the following is not a guideline for a frequency distribution?
to convert a frequency distribution to a relative frequency distribution:
the difference between a histogram and a frequency polygon is:
in a cumulative frequency polygon:
which of the following measures of central location is affected most by extreme values?
the empirical rule states that:
which measure of central tendency reports the value that occurs with the highest frequency?
an example of chebyshev's theorem is:
in comparing two different samples of 100 observations, sample "a" has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 10. the sample "b" has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 50. the two samples are:
for a distribution, the mean is 5, the median is 15, and the mode is 20. based on this information, the distribution is:
in a positively skewed distribution, which measure of central tendency is the largest?
which of the following statistics is a measure of dispersion?
what is true about the range?
a dot plot shows:
the test scores for a class of 101 students are computed. what is the location of the test score associated with the third quartile?
the test scores for a class of 50 students are computed. what is the location of the test score associated with the second decile?
to summarize a data set with a box plot:
for a data set, the interquartile range is:
for any symmetric distribution:
for a data set, the coefficient of skewness is -2.73. we conclude that:
the purpose of a contingency table is to summarize:
a scatter diagram:
contingency tables and scatter diagrams describe:
which of the following is a correct statement about probability?
probability is defined as:
two events are not independent if:
the special rule of addition is used to compute:
the general rule of addition is used to compute:
the general rule of multiplication is used to compute:
the difference between a permutation and a combination is:
data were collected on 100 students regarding their class and major. the data are summarized in the following contingency table: what is the probability of randomly selecting a sophomore or an undeclared student?
data were collected on 100 students regarding their class and major. the data are summarized in the following contingency table: what is the probability of randomly selecting an undeclared student who is a senior?
in an experiment, a random variable represents:
which of the following statements is true about a probability distribution?
which of the following is not a characteristic of a binomial distribution?
which probability distribution is applied when the probability of a success is very all?
in general, a discrete probability distribution requires that:
in a continuous probability distribution, the random variable:
for a binomial distribution with n = 15, as π changes from 0.05 toward 0.50, the distribution will become:
for any probability distribution, the expected value is:
the expected value of a binomial probability distribution with n = 10 and π = .95 is:
the variance of a binomial probability distribution with n = 10 and π = .95 is:
a random variable, time to load a delivery truck, is uniformly distributed. the distribution is defined by the:
the normal distribution is a _____ distribution.
if a random variable is normally distributed:
which of the following statements is correct regarding the standard normal distribution?
the area under a standard normal curve between z=0 and z=-1.75 is:
the area under a standard normal curve for z values less than 1.75 is: