
时间:2024-06-24 08:54:03


红军游击战争的十六字诀是()a.敌强我弱 b.敌进我退 c.敌驻我扰 d.敌疲我打


2019年3月13日,财政部、应急管理部向( )下拨自然灾害救灾资金1亿元,主要用于支持做好当地严重受灾群众救助工作,保障受灾群众基本生活。

经过3万海里航行,2019年3月10日,( )极地考察破冰船载着第35次南极科考队队员安全抵达上海吴淞检疫锚地,办理进港入关手续。


x大2019年3月4日看望了参加全国政协会议的文化艺术界、社会科学界委员时强调,要坚定文化自信、把握时代脉搏、聆听时代声音,坚持与时代同步伐、( )、以精品奉献、用明德引领风尚。

凝聚共识谱写时代华章,共商国是同绘复兴宏图。2019年3月3日下午,政治协商会议( )全国委员会( )会议在大会堂开幕

以上材料告诉我们( )。

2012年农村工作会议指出,2013年的农村工作要在( )中着力促进农民增收。

第六代计算机被称为( )。

我国中人口最多的是( ) 。

大山因为有脊梁,所以挺拔俊美;人因为有脊梁,所以 ;新闻因为有了脊梁.才能出淤泥而不染;新闻人因为有了脊梁,才能 、稳如泰山。 依次填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是:( )

如果本案由检察院至乙市的某个区,而该区经审查认为马某可能被判处时,应该如何处理?( )

证券公司应当( )。对证券经纪业务实施集中统一管理,防范公司与客户之间的利益冲突.切实履行反洗钱义务.防止出现损害客户合法权益的行为。

个人申请保荐代表人资格或保荐代表人变更保荐机构的通过所任职的保荐机构向( )提交申请。

专业人员从事证券业务的资格条件之一是:参加资格考试的人员,应当年满18周岁,具有( )以上文化程度和完全民事行为能力。


国内期货交易的保证金比例一般是( )。

证券公司讲解业务规则、协议内容和揭示风险,签署( )实际上起到了投资者教育的作用。


证券发行上市保荐业务工作底稿包括( )。

证券公司开展客户资产管理业务,应当在资产管理合同中明确规定,投资风险( )。

未经登记,使用“基金”或者“基金管理”字样或者近似名称进行证券投资活动的,没收违法所得,并处违法所得( )罚款。

协议收购时,收购人拥有权益的股份达到该公司已发行股份的( ),继续进行收购应当依法向该上市公司股东发出要约。

有效市场细分的条件包括( )。

证券金融公司开展转融通业务,应当向证券公司收取一定比例的保证金。证券可以冲抵保证金,但货币资金的比例不得低于应收取保证金的( )。




关于蜜丸的叙述错误的是( )

对肠道菌群失调性腹泻可用( )

下列哪种药物不会引起血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶alt、gpt),升高( )。




阴虚火旺、肺肾阴虚所致盗汗、骨蒸潮热、心烦等证,宜用的药物是( )



患者,男,身高180cm,体重90kg,腰围100cm,其体重指数bmi)是( ) 。

患者 a/g 比值为 075,提示该患者可能为







在同一种连续的平衡液体中等压面就是 。

静止液体中任意点的静水压强计算公式为 :







设备及安装工程概算费用由设备购置费和安装工程费组成,设备购置费是指为项目建设而购置或自制的达到固定资产标准的设备、工器具、交通运输设备、生产家具等费用,还包括( )。

严禁( )的机构和人员办理工程项目业务。

与资产相关的补助,以及属于财政扶持而给予的其他形式的补贴等,记作补贴收入,但不列人( )。

项目施工成本按“制造成本法”进行核算时,只计入施工项目成本的是( )。


对各项工程的内在品质进行施工前的数据采集,为控制和指导施工提供科学依据的是( )。

若定静态评价指标进行技术方案敏感性分析,可以择( )作为不确定性因素。

静态投资回收期指标的优点是( )。

由设计位和施工位为一个特定的项目组成联合体和合作体,以承担建设工程项目总承包的任务,对于这种模式描述错误的是( )。

当初步设计深度不够,不能准确地计算工程量,但工程设计采用的技术比较成熟而又有类似工程概算指标可以利用时,可以采用( )编制工程概算。

当吹填区水深满足( )的满载吃水,并具有通航条件时,可采用水下抛填的方法进行水下部分填筑。

措施项目清为可调整清是指( )。


对某项目的确定性评价得出该项目的财务净现值为5794万元,进行敏感性分析时发现,当产品价格下降5%时,财务净现值降至5300万元;当原料价格上涨5%时,财务净现值降至5440万元;当建设投资上涨5%时,财务净现值降至5330万元。相比而言,该项目的最敏感性因素是( )。

which one is with the greatest importance when preparing for an informative presentation?

the most important feature of good arguments in a debate should be_______.

which of the following is not an informative presentation?

the followings are the main benefits of a debate except ________.

if a university administrator is to introduce the campus and facilities to overseas students studying at the university, which of the following should he consider while preparing for the presentation? ___________ (多选题).

if an education exchange institution is making a speech attracting more people to join their overseas study program, which of the following should be included in the speech? (多选)

with the motion “foreign university rankings should not be the decisive factor in choosing a school”, which perspectives should you consider when preparing the debate? (多选)

you’d better put __________ in your slides.

which of the following statements is not right about body language?

if you feel too nervous to look into the eyes of the audience, you may look at ____.

when the debater says: “my partner and i have come up with some definitions to further clarify this round. our first definition is death. we define it as both brain and cardiac death. our second definition is organs. …”, what is the debater doing?

the following terms should be defined in the motion “ai will take the place of language teachers in china in the future.” except for________.

if you are to design powerpoint slides with the topic of “ai and my future career”, what should be the main parts in your slides?

jimmy was practicing a speech with his friends. he was told that his gestures were not appropriate. which of the following behavior of jimmy should be avoided to make good gestures in a speech?

with the motion “beauty contests should be abolished”, the debater may define the motion as “the beauty contests whose contestants are under 18 should not be allowed”. which of the following steps have been taken in this process?

if an informative presentation starts with: “every second, a slice of rainforest, the size of a football field, is mowed down. that's over 31 million football fields of rainforest each year”, what opening method is used?

if an informative presentation starts with: “the idea of buying low and selling high is wrong!”, what opening method is used?

if a presenter says, “today i’d like to tell you about three art ways to save your money while traveling. in my brief presentation we’ll begin by . . . then i’ll give another art way . . . and finally i’d like to talk about . . .”, he is giving______.

when you announce your opinion in your speech, you’d better___________ .

if you are going to tell your audience a story about your childhood, and create an cozy and warm atmosphere, you should ________.

when the debater says, “ according to the newly released research by who, about 600 million chinese are short-sighted,” he/she is talking from the perspective of _________.

when you stand on the stage, delivering a speech with a microphone, which of the following is not appropriate?(多选)

which of the following are possible benefits of taking a budget tour?

while presenting the topic “chinese ancient culture and indian ancient culture”, the speaker first reports chinese ancient culture with four main features and its history, then introduces those of indian ancient culture. which pattern does the speaker apply to make comparison and contrast in this presentation?

when introducing to a tour group to america about what they should do when encountering any emergencies or other problems, which of the following body structures might the speaker use?

when designing a question for the beginning part of your speech, you should_______.

for the motion: museums should return their collected artifacts to the home countries, when the oppositional team says:" if the motion is implemented, museums will be discouraged from collecting artifacts, then a lot of first-class artwork might get lost", the team is to present _______ that might be caused by the motion.

when the speaker gives the hypothesis that chinese young people are more and more concerned about national culture, which of the following evidence might be used to support the hypothesis? (多选)

usually in the ending part of a speech, speakers would choose to refer back to the lead-in part. what are the benefit(s) of doing that?

which of the following stories can support the idea “the chinese culture will be carried forward in the era of globalization” in a public speech?

what are the possible disadvantages of a motion?

in a survey report on the present situation of females in the job market, the presenter says: “we recommend that successful females should share their experience and influence more females with their positive values and power.” which of the following techniques are applied here in this ending part?

when the speaker ends the presentation by saying: “every day girls around the world are fighting for their freedom. on this international day of the girl, join them and raise your voice”, the speaker is using the technique of ________.

which of the following are “representative” stories in a speech?

which of the following are not right about choosing stories in a speech?

suppose the propositional case is: women should quit their jobs and become stay-at-home moms, which of the following arguments is the most important and should be attacked?

which of the following are appropriate in restating ideas in the ending part of a presentation?

michelle uses the story of her daughters’ first day at new school to persuade the public to vote for hillary because she knows________________.

which of the following is the right way to refute in a debate?

which sentence can be used to get the audience’s attention with an intriguing beginning?

which of the following is not correct about using data in your speech?

by saying “then, we can safely conclude that the self-employment will lead to even more serious economic and social problems...”, the debater is making a refutation by_______.

motion: college graduates should be encouraged to be self-employed. argument: job security keeps decreasing nowadays. even if a college graduate finds a stable job, it is highly possible for him to lose it after a period of time. which of the following sentences might the debater use to repeat, or identify the argument he is going to refute?

where should we use transitions?

which expressions of transition can be used to emphasize the main points of your presentation? (多选)

when you use a quotation to support your idea, you need to take into consideration whether______. (多选)

which of the following expressions are appropriate in leading to the third step of refutation: replacing? (多选)

which of the following statements is not correct in terms of language appropriateness in presentation.

when the speaker wants to add balance and rhythm to sentences, and give ideas a oother flow by repetition, he usually uses the method of_______.

parallel structures are highly recommended to speakers in persuasive speech for ______.

if you are going to point out a fallacy, you should start by saying:________.

for the argument that “peak oil means that we need nuclear power as a substitute”, how should we point out that it is a fallacy?

what is the language feature of the sentence: books are to mankind what memory is to inidual?

which of the following are effective ways to modify and monitor your language in presentations? (多选)

which of the following are appropriate recovery phrases to correct any mistakes in your presentation?

which of the following is not the reason for the speaker to repeat or paraphrase the question before giving the answer?

which of the following is not the correct response if embarrassing silence occurs in q & a session?

what should you do if you feel nervous on the stage?

which of the following is not appropriate for using microphone?

by saying “and now let me conclude today’s debate by comparing two major clashes and find out why propositional side did a better job...”, the debater is _____.

what is the correct sequence in “debate format”?

what are the key elements in delivering an informative presentation?

what are the three key elements in a public speech?

if a university administrator is to introduce the campus and facilities to overseas students studying at the university, which of the following should not be considered while he prepares for the presentation?

the main purpose of opening in an informative presentation is to _________.

which of the following statements is not right about body language?

which of the following is right about choosing stories in a speech?

which is not right about parallel structures?

what should the debater refute?

which of the following is right in describing a fallacy?

which of the following is not the benefit of a debate ?

alan is required to give a speech to introduce the latest development of ai next week. this is a(n) ______ speech.

when do you need to slow down a little bit and speak firmly and loudly in a speech?

when you decide to put a question in your speech to arouse the audience’s interest, you should _______.

while delivering a speech with a microphone, you should ________.

which of the following are the main functions of transitions in a presentation?

raymond makes a speech in front of the class. he is told that that his gestures have made his ctes feel uncomfortable. which of the followings will be helpful when practicing gestures?

if you are to design powerpoint slides with the topic of “ai and my future career”, which of the following should be included as the main parts in your slides?

when the speaker gives the hypothesis that national culture has been valued by more and more chinese young people, which of the following evidence might be used to support the hypothesis? (多选)

why do most speakers usually repeat or paraphrase the question before giving the answer?

which of the following are the responsibilities of the last debater when making a debate summary?

which of the following are approrpiate in the ending part of a speech?

which of the following are appropriate responses if embarrassing silence occurs in q & a session?

if a university administrator is to introduce the campus and facilities to overseas students studying at the university, which of the following should not be considered while he prepares for the presentation?

the main purpose of opening in an informative presentation is to _________.

which of the following statements is not right about body language?

which of the following is right about choosing stories in a speech?

which is not right about parallel structures?

what should the debater refute?

which of the following is right in describing a fallacy?

which of the following is not the benefit of a debate ?

alan is required to give a speech to introduce the latest development of ai next week. this is a(n) ______ speech.

when do you need to slow down a little bit and speak firmly and loudly in a speech?

when you decide to put a question in your speech to arouse the audience’s interest, you should _______.

while delivering a speech with a microphone, you should ________.

which of the following are the main functions of transitions in a presentation?

raymond makes a speech in front of the class. he is told that that his gestures have made his ctes feel uncomfortable. which of the followings will be helpful when practicing gestures?

if you are to design powerpoint slides with the topic of “ai and my future career”, which of the following should be included as the main parts in your slides?

when the speaker gives the hypothesis that national culture has been valued by more and more chinese young people, which of the following evidence might be used to support the hypothesis? (多选)

why do most speakers usually repeat or paraphrase the question before giving the answer?

which of the following are the responsibilities of the last debater when making a debate summary?

which of the following are approrpiate in the ending part of a speech?

which of the following are appropriate responses if embarrassing silence occurs in q & a session?

